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Comment Only if a particular game is already on consoles (Score 1) 157

People who want to play games can buy a console

Until they use their tablet to browse the website of the game they want to buy and see "Linux and Windows: Buy Now / Consoles: We are seeking a publisher." A newly established indie studio's games aren't on consoles until the console maker approves a studio's request for a devkit. That in turn doesn't happen until the studio brings two or three games to market on a competing platform, which usually ends up being Windows.

browse websites on a tablet

And write long-form articles for a website on what? Learn concepts of computer science on what?

Comment You're seeing PEP 668 (Score 2) 118

Try to pip install --user pkg. If it exists as a deb the pip commend will fail.

This is true of all system Python in GNU/Linux distributions since PEP 668. Ostensibly, it's to protect the user from installing a new major version of a package whose breaking changes cause other packages installed on the system to stop working. Creating a venv solves the problem.

Comment iTunes in Wine doesn't detect iPhone (Score 1) 157

What is there that only runs in Windows 11 and not under Wine that you need so badly that you're willing to buy an extra computer just for that?

iTunes, for adding music to my roommate's iPhone's music library after October 2025, when Windows 10 security updates end. Last time I tried iTunes, Wine couldn't run the part of iTunes that syncs to a mobile device. "How to Install iTunes in Ubuntu 22.04 | 24.04 (Step by Step)" states: "NOTE that, iTunes running with wine does NOT detect iPhone, at least not for me."

As for what to use instead of iTunes: I looked into libimobiledevice on Linux but its FAQ states "Sorry, music synchronization with newer devices is currently not supported." Using a Spotify or Apple Music subscription doesn't work if someone bought an MP3 album from the website of a band that isn't yet represented by one of the labels on Spotify or Apple Music. Using VLC instead of the Music app doesn't let the user mix and match songs manually added to the library with songs from the user's Apple Music subscription.

Comment Swap to SODIMM (Score 1) 219

I dont see a sane path to getting pluggable ram back without backtracking on the main selling point of the 'apple silicon' range, which is to gain performance by putting it all on the same die.

Mount the SODIMM as a RAM disk and have the operating system swap to it instead of swapping to the SLC intake buffer of the SSD. Main RAM stays on package; SSD sees less wear.

Comment Re:Should walk before you run. (Score 1) 29

That would be pointless, though.

Doing something that another country has already done long ago, doesn't impress anyone. If they want to be perceived as advanced leaders in scientific research, they have to do something that has NOT already been done decades ago by other countries, especially hated Western countries.

If there were any conceivable way they could send a manned mission to Mars, that's what they'd be doing. The dark side of the moon, is the loftiest space-exploration goal they thought they had any realistic chance of achieving.

Comment Re:Whatever happened to Windows 10 being the last (Score 1) 157

> Whatever happened to the goal of Windows 10 being the last version of Windows

That was never intended to actually be true. They said that because IT people with actual discernment were looking at Windows Ten and going "Eh, this version is pants, I think we're gonna stick with Seven for now and see if Microsoft can get their act together for the *next* release." And that would be a disaster, because then they (and more importantly their companies) might not pay Microsoft any money for upgrade licenses for Ten.

Once just about everyone who ever pays for software upgrades let go of Seven and upgraded, the "Ten is the last version" line was promptly dropped, because it was no longer needed.

There is one significant way in which Eleven is better than Ten: the "is your PC ready for the upgrade" check is significantly more realistic about system requirements. Ten will happily install on a system with 8 GB of RAM, which is less than a quarter of what is needed to run it at an even vaguely acceptable level of performance, and it doesn't even *warn* you that there might be a problem. The result, is that the system can't be used for anything because it's too busy swapping, because the core of the OS doesn't fit in physical RAM, let alone any applications (and the Eight/Ten/Eleven virtual memory subsystem is even more pants than the NT/XP/Vista/Seven one). Eleven doesn't have this problem: it actually tells you your PC isn't good enough.

I still say Seven is the best operating system Microsoft has ever produced. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it ends up being the best one Microsoft *will* ever produce.

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