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Comment Apologies to Niemöller (Score 1) 842

First they came for the smokers, but I did not smoke. I did nothing. Then they came for the HFCS soda drinkers, but I was diabetic. I did nothing. Then they came for the diet soda drinkers, artificial sweeteners supposedly cause cancer, I did nothing. Then they came for the delicious but makes to too fat foods, I enjoyed salads, I did nothing. Then they came for the fish eaters, with stories of mercury,

Tonight's dinner: Bread and Water. (And they are looking at the bread suspiciously)

Each food taken, is liberty taken. When they decide for us, we are made children who can not decide for ourselves.

Comment IPV6 on Smartphones already (Score 1) 209

I was recently in attendance in a chat room where I noticed several people's connections info seemed to include IPV6 addresses (hexadecimal separated by ':' ) When I asked one of them how they were liking IPV6, they responded that they did not even know they were using IPV6, that they were using their iPhone to join the chat room.

Comment Re:Regenerate? (Score 1) 646

But traditionally they can only do that 11 times. Also, not only Doctors, but Masters.

One must also say that it only happens to "the right kind of doctor".

Comment Re:Obligatory Occupy (Score 1) 223

The elf jobs are secure, who do you think maintains the complicated system that delivers raw material to the nano-replicator on the sleigh in flight?

Those gifts belong to Santa until he gives them. He can give them to whomever he chooses. You are just sour grapes because you only got a lump of non-environmentally friendly coal.

Comment Re:No, that is not how it works (Score 1) 434

Except it is not a zero sum game. The average income itself is not set in stone. It can rise. If 10 people are making 1000 each. and one gets a raise, none of the others are forced to take a pay cut. If 10 people are making 1000 each and one gets fired, the rest don't get an automatic raise. If 10 people are making 1000 each and a new one gets hired (now 11 people) the are no pay cuts for the original workers.

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