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Journal Journal: Mod Points? 6

Cool. Haven't seen any of those in five or seven years. I suppose that means I have to go by the front page, though...

User Journal

Journal Journal: OpenLDAP config database sucks 1

OpenLDAP (slapd) has always been one of the trickier things to have to deal with. I'd have a hard time figuring out what the fuck kind of magic shit needs to go into slapd.conf to deal with some interoperability problem, but Google is everyone's friend. Invariably someone else has had the problem first, and so I'd just look up the magic incantation and that's that. It wasn't too hard.

But that was old versions of slapd. They've changed how you configure it.

Have you seen recent versions? The slapd.d database? slapcat followed by ldapmodify? OMFG.

Words cannot express my hate. The man-days lost. Fuck you, slapd team! What were you thinking, you evil pieces of shit?!?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Logic gates are second class citizens 1

When stories are written about quantum computing, references are made to bits, but logic gates are rarely mentioned or hinted at. This presents a fundamental misrepresentation of how computers work quantum or otherwise.

User Journal

Journal Journal: ACLU T-Shirts... 11

The ACLU is selling T-Shirts with their logo that says "Dissent is Patriotic".

That's adorable.

Especially after telling us over the last 8 years that dissent was racist.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot's idea of being edgy is to harsh on BASIC 1

The quote at the bottom of the page read "Real programmers don't write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC after reaching puberty." Oh yeah? Well I say if you refuse to program in BASIC you aren't a real programmer! How do you like them apples?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gorsuch 6

When Gorsuch was confirmed to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, he was done so unanimously.


So take the perpetually outraged, professional (ie, paid by Soros) Left's vitriol against him with a grain of salt.


Speaking of which... why is it that when the Koch Brothers donate money to candidates it's a grave assault on our democracy but when Soros pays minions to riot we get the lecture about how dissent is patriotic*?

* Dissent is treason when there's a Demonrat in the White House. Remember, when there's a Demonrat President THE OFFICE MUST BE RESPECTED NO MATTER WHAT!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is tremendous... 7

I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary, but if this is how Trump plans to govern I'm really going to start liking the guy.

Directing Executive Agencies to start cutting regulations via Executive Order?

EXCELLENT. This is how executive orders should be used; telling executive branch agencies to get their act together.

Hiring Freeze on Bureaucrats?


Temporarily stopping entry of people from Terrorist hot-beds as defined by Obama and Congress until we can get a true vetting process so we don't import another Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?


I know the liberals around here don't like that, but:
* Federal Law allows the President to do this
* Obama did it to Iraqis; so I have to ask, dear liberals, Where was your hand wringing and gnashing of teeth then?

Now Trump needs to nominate a Scalia-type Justice to the Supreme Court and get that National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act through.

User Journal

Journal Journal: "Don't be rude. YOU ARE FAKE NEWS" 22

I honestly don't think I'll get tired of watching President Trump smack the MSM over the next 8 years.

And "fake news" has been a huge problem ever since the days of Dan Rather's "fake, but accurate" George W. Bush AWOL fake memo.

... and considering now you've got Buzzfeed and CNN getting trolled by 4chan about a fake story involving Trump hiring prostitutes to urinate on a bed in Russia -- something so obviously fake it's laughable, and yet -- I know lefties who believe it happened -- which is kind of the point. Tell the lie often enough and it'll stick a little. The MSM is no londer interested in facts, only to do whatever they can to further the leftist narrative. Right, Ezra and the JournoListers? Leni Reifenstahl approves of your tactics.

But Trump verbally smacking Acosta and CNN?

I enjoyed that. It's about time someone rubbed their noses in it. Go Donald!
User Journal

Journal Journal: First Carrier, now Ford... 1


Trump isn't even if office yet and he's already a better President than Obama.

Which, I know, is not saying much because a Goldfish would be a better President than Obama....
User Journal

Journal Journal: One year later... 5

.... and I have become intoxicated over the last 36 hours drinking my fill of liberal tears. Trudeau ready to renegotiate NAFTA.

Trump isn't even in office yet and he's already having a positive effect.


You guys remember 8 years ago? I do. I remember the calls from the media that "the people have spoken and why do we have to wait to get Obama in there and Bush should just resign now" -- you libs still feel that way?

70 days left until the long national nightmare is over and the term of America's 4th Fascist Regime ends. (First three were Wilson, FDR, and LBJ).

Plus -- Trump's going to appoint rational judges in the mold of Scalia and Thomas.

Finally, we've turned the page and can start beating back the utter stupidity of the "progressive" movement.

Now that's "Change I can believe in".
User Journal

Journal Journal: An Lá 2

BÃ go maith, a mhuirnÃn.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [geek] Dual-Boot 2-in-1 Tablet

I recently acquired a 10.1" tablet with a break-away keyboard so this little beast can be either a very small laptop or a full-sized tablet. The keyboard is nice and it is very solid, so this is a great solution for my needs. I have wanted one of these for a long, long time, and now I have one.

Where it gets interesting, though, is that it can dual-boot into either Android or Windows. My first thought was that, since I have an Android tablet already, this might be a good candidate for running the last few Windows applications I rely on, which would allow me to convert my Windows system into another Linux workstation, probably for development. I like my laptop, and it works well enough with Windows 10 on it but I am no fan of Windows 10. So, I booted the tablet up in Windows and looked around.

With the release of Windows 8, I wanted a Windows tablet. It seemed like a good system that would work well for me. I had a touch-screen laptop that came with Windows 8 preinstalled (but has since been migrated to CentOS 7) and it was not as bad as I expected - the interface actually made some sense to me and I did not mind it at all, though I definitely preferred the older Windows 7-style desktop. I had a Windows 8 phone at the time which I bought on a whim and it was the easiest phone to use I had ever owned. So, the Metro desktop on a tablet seemed like a good way to work.

Windows 10, not so much.

As a desktop OS, Windows 10 is not totally unreasonable though it is not my first choice by any means. It's not the best version of Windows, and even though I am primarily a Red Hat kind of guy I definitely prefer Ubuntu's interface to Windows 10. But, on the desktop Windows 10 is workable. On a tablet, though, Windows 10 is a big goose egg. It's clunky, it is harder to use and it takes up too much in terms of resources. So, this dual-boot tablet will be in Android the large majority of the time.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [work] karma

My last job sucked. No way to sugar coat it. My manager absolutely refused to say anything positive to me about the work I was doing and actively went out of his way to find people that were unhappy with my performance (meaning, he looked for people that thought I should work 70+ hours/week with unpaid OT for them exclusively) and my final review there for the worst I had ever seen. I missed family events, funerals, trips and more, just to try to keep afloat. Such a prick this fellow was that he took the day off on my last day, requiring someone else to accompany me to HR for my exit processing.

The fellow who was my mentor and who was all that stood between me and that manager was a bright fellow who did work 70+ hours every week and was considered hot property among management. He was the manager's right hand and he did not think I was treated fairly but there was little he could do for me.

That fellow is leaving now, having had enough of the BS himself and leaving the manager in a lurch. No one else in the group held the same respect with that manager and even those in other groups who did not like him respected him (if only privately). Three of the heavy hitters have either left or are about to leave, and the manager will have a shell of a group and no one to keep him above water.

I am smiling a lot today. Sometimes, bad things do happen to bad people.

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