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Comment Re:1930's responsible government (Score 1) 524

For the recently whooshed out there: <sarcasm>

The chart shows that they did the right thing in the 1930s. Did not matter how deep the depression got, they always balanced the books. Worked real good.

Then that evil Rosevelt ran up a huge deficit just because there was a war on. Crippled the country. The depression was over, no more dirt cheap labor.

Moving on, we see the deficit from Obama during the Global Financial Crisis. Weak. He should have been tough like Hover in the depression. When the economy shrinks you tighten your belt. Stands to reason. Then we could have had another result like the 1930s.

Reaganomics, on the other hand, is clear and purposeful. Cut taxes, increase military spending so you can create a crisis and then cut those socialist services that rot the morality of the working man.


Comment Re:Stupidity rules (Score 1) 230

The Constitution also outlaws slavery and indentured servitude. Which happens to be my view of taking of money from someone and giving it to another, under threat of force.

The state constitution of Utah outlaws polygamy, and polygamy happens to be my view of going on a pub crawl. Burglary is illegal, and burglary happens to be my view of long division. Hey words are awesome when they can mean whatever I want them to!

Comment Re:Man who already is stinking rich... (Score 1) 314

It is sometimes the case that a dollar spent helping foster an economic class that can purchase your products (while at the same time generating positive PR) is better spent than keeping it in your pocket (or investing it). Not always, but sometimes. The same is true about advertising, lobbying, customer support, and any other cost center—a dollar spent on something that is not directly profitable may nonetheless indirectly generate >$1.00 in gains or prevented losses.

One of many scenarios in which paying higher wages could be more profitable is if your market depends on having a critical mass of consumers of threshold economic means. Suppose you've determined that below critical mass you can't sustain distribution and sales. It might then make sense to add a pool of your own "overcompensated" workers to an existing subcritical population of consumers in order to push that population into the sustainable range. That specific example sounds somewhat contrived nowadays, but is easier to imagine in Ford's era.

Comment Re:Autoplay whitelist (Score 5, Insightful) 89

Agreed. This solution is nice if there's a few websites that you visit regularly that are so afflicted

And this story pops up right next to one about CNN...

Fuck autoplay video at the top of every page, and double fuck turning it into a tiny sidebar video and restarting it after you scroll past it.

Comment Re:First they came... (Score 1) 127

For any regulators reading /.: All those things, and Chuck E Cheese, and McDonalds Monopoly, and games with loot drops and a real money auction house (or login credentials not tied immutably to a single human person) are "gambling", but none of them are Gambling.

If you want to ban companies from marketing rainbow strobelight Skinner boxes to kids because they're harmful to the kids (and their parents' bank accounts), go for it. With my blessing! But calling in-game orbs and in-game dragon sweaters—neither of which can be converted into currency—things of value sufficient to constitute gambling is quite a stretch.

Comment Re:Words With Pandas (Score 1) 164

No they forced the (former) World Wrestling Federation, also "WWF" up to that point, to change their name to World Wrestling Entertainment with "WWE" acronym. As an IP attorney, their international, decade-spanning battle over a 3-latter acronym—used as a mark on vastly different goods & services—has always fascinated me.

But given how strident Wildlife was, I'm a little surprised Words With Friends, the Working Women's Forum, or Windows Workflow Foundation are allowed to exist in peace...

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