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Comment Re: Why wouldn't electronics work in a vacuum? (Score 4, Informative) 82

All sorts of things can go wrong, probably largely associated with outgassing -- especially if it built up and then released suddenly. Various epoxies and probably even circuit boards might, I imagine, be potential candidates. Remember: you're removing 14.7 ponds per square inch of pressure that might be (say) helping to hold together layers of a PCB.

Comment Re:The funny thing... (Score 1) 291

I have to disagree somewhat. While I will never be guilty of ascribing good things to MS while under Ballmer/Gates, once the web came along, UNIX EOL suddenly became righter -- or at least terribly common. I would have to say it was just sheer hamfisted bluster and pride, moreso than a desire to put the hurt on the (then) microscopic userbase of people like you and me.

But, really, barring an internal document showing this, it doesn't really matter what we think the reason was.

Comment Just... wow. (Score 1) 195

JQP? I think it is safe to say that -- with all due respect -- you were a ripe bastard back a few years ago. But I just read a solid handful of your most recent posts, and they are considered, intelligent, articulate... really, really good stuff. Thank you!

And, BTW, Ruby totally rocks. Best, most expressive, most intelligently done language currently out there. (Though in a late-night fit of stupidity, I admit I had cause to mourn the decision to use '=' for both assignment and object instantiation.)


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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
