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Comment Re:Don't do it Edward (Score 1) 351

The crimes committed where so extensive, so elaborate, so extensively documented, that no person or group of persons was in any position to audit all of the documents to release only those that detailed crimes. It is obvious the more information that was revealed the more crimes that became apparent. Hence where does an honourable person with integrity stop, knowing that others will lie and destroy evidence given the opportunity and any further crimes detailed would be lost. There is only one thing a law abiding honourable citizen could do, obtain as much as possible and release it to those who would ensure that laws where upheld, in this case the countries citizens themselves.

Comment Re: When will he be arrested? (Score 2) 666

Yes, I've seen that happen to a car travelling in front and to the left of me in outer suburban Melbourne, except it was a black and white cow. It was surreal, at one stage the cow was momentarily "turned turtle" on the roof of the car. The car was doing about 50mph, straight road, night, no street lights. The driver received some nasty cuts and fractures but was able to get into the ambulance under his own steam. The car roof was crushed down to the window sill on the passengers side, the cow had sort of rolled across the entire length of the car, it was dead but still intact.

Comment Re:Don't do it Edward (Score 4, Insightful) 351

It is illegal to obey illegal instructions. Those documents detailed crimes and hence where classified illegally in order to hide those crimes. He disclosed those crimes publicly due to the conspiracy to hide them by a government department with the approval of elected officials. Seriously, what the fuck do you not understand about the idea that it is illegal for any government department to break any laws and the requirement for any member of that department to report those criminal acts, be they criminal or constitutional infringements. Do you get it yet? The government can not legally order anyone to break the law, end of story and in the attempt that person so ordered is required by law to report the attempted crime, let alone obey the criminal order. Crimes can not be legally hidden under the auspices of national security, that would be a licence to run the government as a criminal organisation rather than being the democratically representatives of the electorate. I don't have to try, the law is the law.

Comment As good as it gets? (Score 2) 666

Speed limits have virtually nothing to do with the quality of the road surface. It's about hidden driveways, pedestrians, wildlife, oversized vehicles, bends, trees, sun glare, ect. These problems are summarised in statistics about accidents that are used to set rules aimed at lowering the road toll. This is not to say everywhere works like it does here in Oz, but for the most places around the world the rules are enforced for good reason, not just revenue raising.

As part of your registration here in Oz you have to also pay for third party insurance, the insurance company is a monopoly owned by the state. It is responsible for paying for anyone who is injured, it's also responsible for public awareness campaigns to cut the road toll. It is in their interest to reduce the road toll, a low road toll is their "profit". In my state the toll has dropped from around 600yr to 250yr in the 20yrs the scheme has been operating, random booze buses and seat belts had previously halved the toll from around 1200/yr in the early 70's. All that while the number of cars in my state has increase 10 fold since the early 70's.

So while the authorities may be "unfairly" force drivers slow down in specific circumstances, it's certainly not because they are short of a dime. There will never be a zero road toll as long as there are humans, the question is, and always will be - what is an acceptable toll, where do we stop and say that's as good as it gets?

Comment Re:Too bad Snowden will only be 33 in 2016 (Score 3, Insightful) 351

If as you say it's common knowledge that all governments spy on all other governments, then it shouldn't have done much harm to have what we already knew confirmed.

But that's not true, not all governments engage in this behavior, and not all that do take it as far as the US. Tapping the private phone of an allied head of state is out of bounds. It's not the kind of thing we should be doing. It's the kind of thing that causes an embarrassing international incident when it is revealed. Imagine our own government's reaction if the tables were turned.

Also, Snowden released the information to reputable journalists who have been selecting what to release. He didn't just dump it on a website for all to see. Those journalists have been reviewing the material and redacting anything that would actually put lives at risk. Snowden carried this off in the most responsible, most honorable, fashion possible.

Comment Re:Using Skype to boost Windows Phone? (Score 1) 330

Crazy theory here. Could they be trying to focus Skype for use with their Windows Phone to try to give people a compelling reason to switch over to their mobile OS?

Sure looks like it. And it will probably work just as well as google killing off all of their services that remotely compete with g+.

Comment Re:True (Score 1) 247

Reality is Bill Gates is wrong yet again. Getting everyone connected to the internet, in point of fact, will save the world. Right now run by psychopathic capitalism we are on a path to self destruction by greed and mass consumerism, we are wasting our resources and converting that waste into pollution at an insane rate by allowing the psychopathically insane to run the system.

The internet is giving the majority a voice and is exposing the insane minority who currently run the system for who they really are. The more independent real voices there are on the internet, sharing information globally all hooked up with auto translation services. The sooner we see that deep down we all share the same problem, that we have all allowed the most unfit amongst us to gain control of our core social structures and, the sooner it will change.

The 1% are slowly but surely killing our world and us along with it. When the 99% have full voice on the internet globally and can share in their common values, so we will save our world and future generations. The change in the last decade has been immense, the change in the next decade will be even greater. The internet is saving the world because it give us, the majority, a shared global voice we have never had before, FACT.

Comment Re:True (Score 4, Interesting) 247

The gates foundation has one "business" goal - invest it's money and spend the profit on charitable works. If they spend the capital the charitable foundation ceases to exist. Also if you think board decisions of for-profit companies are made solely on the basis of the profit to be had, then I must assume you are projecting your own morals onto others.

As for Gates, I'm almost exactly the same age as he is, I distinctly recall him saying on multiple occasions over the last 30yrs that he would give the bulk of his money to charity when he hit 55. Gates charity work and his efforts to get other billionaires to join him is has almost single-handedly rescued the traditional concept of US philanthropy from the "greed is good" generation.

Thing is you don't have that kind of money, which is odd given your obsession with it?

Comment Re:Food in prison is a commodity. It’s curre (Score 1) 98

With prisons being run by private companies, I can see an incentive to give the prisoners less to increase the profits.

That's a valid concern, although it should be noted in this case that the prison in the story is one of the public ones. (Oklahoma does have some privately-run prisons, but this isn't one of them.)

Comment Re:Don't do it Edward (Score 3, Insightful) 351

Sorry, reporting a crime is not breaking the law, it is adhering the law and in point of fact it is a criminal act not to report witnessing a crime, accessory after the fact. Will he be able to return to the US, not for decades, all the psychopaths in power will have to be removed first. They will permanently target him as an example, they will take hostile moves against any country that harbours him and most western countries will not bother protecting him as he is not one of their own.

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