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Journal Journal: 1972 Hybrid Dodge Charger

One of these days if I ever get to restore my Charger, I am making sure to paint the solar panel on the hood like this car. Guess I need to have one of those "Hybrid" badges made for it too Heck, if I ever get to the point where I can work on it again, I'll probably have my own CNC machine by then, lol.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ukraine 3

So I guess it is a little too late for a meaningless boycott of a Russian Olympics as a show of dislike.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Is the Demos Study to be Believed?

In the State of the Union address last night, President Obama vowed to institute measures to raise the minimum pay of all employees on federal contracts to $10.10/hr. News outlets rushed to a particular report by an outfit called "Demos" as evidence that there are people who would benefit from this act. Problem is, the report does not show that at all. Maybe there are federal contractors out there that earn less than $10.10/hr., but they sure are difficult to find.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Extra gluten 1

This journal has all that gluten that the gluten free people have been keeping from you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Todd Barry and Jerry Seinfeld - Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Today's guest is Todd Barry and I finally figured out where to go for the code to embed these shows, so you don't have to go any farther than the link above. Interesting item, the boys walked out of an Everyman Espresso location in the East Village after waiting longer than they preferred. The company logo is remarkably similar to the 2004 Fifth HOPE conference. The car for this episode is a 1966 MGB roadster.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Irregardless 2

The perfect clip to link to the word irregardless all over the internet. Performed by the great Steve Landesberg as Detective Arthur Dietrich in Barney Miller "The Psychic" S7E11. Enjoy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Who does not know caffeine is already regulated? Lustig edition 18

Apparently Dr. Robert Lustig is one of the last people around who is unaware that caffeine is already regulated. He uses it in an odd example in his crusade to regulate sugars more to his liking. While I was waiting for a magazine to approve or decline this article (they declined) I discovered that Jay Leno thinks caffeine is addictive. Also discovered that Adam Carolla, Dr. Drew, and Dr. Spaz brought some science to the discussion.
Not Regulated Enough Already?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Unemployment Insurance: What a Ripoff! 5

Besides me and Professor Walter E. Williams, it does not look like many others understand who is really paying their payroll taxes. I try to clear up some myths in this article.

Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a payroll tax, pure and simple. Just like everything in this category, the people who pay the tax in the end receive very little value for what they pay and it does not even resemble any product that could legally be marketed as insurance by anybody outside of government. The typical American worker labors between 40 and 45 years, paying into this system the whole time, while his chances of receiving even half of what he paid are slim.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why you need strong encryption on your private security data

In case you have not heard, the LA police paid a visit to Justin Bieber's place recently. An interesting bit from the story: ""The purpose of the search warrant is to seek video surveillance or other possible evidence in the vandalism that occurred on January 9, 2014," the sheriff's statement said.
Deputies seized video from computer hard drives on the "extensive" security monitoring system on Bieber's estate, Thompson said.
Cameras capture just about any movement on the property, he said. Detectives will spend the next days scouring through the video for clues about who hurled eggs toward the neighboring mansion last week, Thompson said."
For one thing, there is already video of Bieber throwing eggs (not the best cinematography out there). For another, there was a drug related arrest and the home video might serve to incriminate in all sorts of directions unrelated to the incident.

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