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Comment That would be interesting. I'd include APK remover (Score 2) 34

User-uploaded CSS would be interesting. I bet I could figure out a way to do the following in pure CSS. Right now it's a user.js file.
It sets display: none on any posts by APK so I don't have to scroll past his spam on my phone. // ==UserScript== // @name NoAPK // @namespace // @include * // @version 1 // ==/UserScript==

if(window.location.hostname.indexOf("") > -1)
        var xpath = '//li[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " comment ") and contains(., "hosts file") and contains(., "apk") and string-length(.) > 10000]';
        apkposts = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
        for ( var i=0 ; i apkposts.snapshotLength; i++ )
                apkposts.snapshotItem(i).style.display = 'none';

Comment GPS and laser guidance systems for centuries? (Score 5, Informative) 133

> Farming has been stuck in a bit of a rut, ... farming has been using techniques that have been handed down from centuries ago.

Apparently this author's understanding of agriculture is based on cartoons. Self-driving cars are a brand new thing; largely self-driving agricultural equipment is not so new. Have a look at the cockpit of a modern John Deere in working trim. Better yet, come on down to Tecas A&M (agriculture and mechanical) and we'll show you some things. It's no coincidence that A&M is a leader in drone research too.

Comment $2,500 == 6 months? 1 year or $1000? (Score 1) 200

Somewhat off-topic, TFS mentions the penalty is up to six months in jail or a $2,500 fine. I've noticed recently the fine vs jail time often seems quite out of balance. Somewhere I saw 1 year or $1000. I'd rather pay a $1000 fine than spend a WEEK in jail, much less a YEAR. Does anybody know why the fines are always so low compared to the jail time?

I'd think it would be in the state's interest to do the opposite- collect a $5,000 fine from someone rather than housing them in jail for six months.

Comment We commenters could freshen CSS, keep functions in (Score 4, Interesting) 34

It occurs to me that we on Slashdot are a knowledgeable crowd. I was thinking about how many person-hours we've spent on saying "fuck beta". In a small fraction of that time, maybe five minutes each, we could suggest some CSS tweaks that would freshen the look (what Dice marketing department wants) without getting in the way of functionality (what we oldtimers want).

Comment true, but funny you went there (Score 1) 111

What you say is true, but it's funny in a way that reminds me of something I'd do.

Ac: They shouldn't be connected to the internet.
            -> Sarten-X: They need to be connected to the internet in order to be connected to each other.
                    -> raymorris: They can be connected to each other without being connected to the internet.
                            -> dutchwhizzman: Paragraphs of unrelated commentary

Comment That's way too high. Incoming != case (Score 1) 62

You realize datacenters normally run at 23-25C, right? In the middle of the DC. The incoming air is a couple degrees cooler.
You're thinking of the maximum allowable temperature inside the case, in a rack, and at the back of the case, by the hot aisle. The cold aisle needs to be cooler than the hot aisle. Those days when your cold aisle hits 90F are the days you're GUARANTEED to destroy hardware if you don't take action. Most of the rest of June - August you'll need cooling to stay within SAFE temps.

Comment isp "vpn". Social security numbers (Score 1) 111

Their ISP would be more than happy to set up each hospital and office building with a "dedicated virtual circuit", which is basically a VPN handled and enforced by the ISP using their carrier-grade equipment. The ISP will ensure that the black network can't access the internet (and the internet can't access the black network). One thing ISPs can do pretty well is take AWAY your internet access. All systems with confidential data are connected only to tge bkack network, which interconnects the various locations.

You do NOT need each workstation to have general internet access in order to connect them to your (virtual) WAN.

Additionally, the various workstations shouldn't have access to social security numbers anyway, even via the local network. Unless you're the social security administration or the IRS, you probably shouldn't be storing social security numbers. If some specific legacy system really has to have social security numbers, isolate that system behind a one-way trapdoor. It shouldn't have general internet accessibility.

Comment velocity cubed, of course. Thanks. (Score 1) 442

Power is actually proportional to velocity cubed. Velocity squared is the amount of energy per unit mass, times the number of units of mass that go by per second (velocity again). This makes your point even stronger...

Thanks for that. Yeah, velocity squared would be the right thing for the energy of an object, such as a car, correct? Or for a cubic yard of air. Also, higher velocity means more cubic yards flow past each minute, so that's the multiplier I forgot. Is that right?

So 25x25x25 = 15,625 but 10x10x10 = 1000.
Meaning, the power at 10 MPH is just 6% of rated capability at 25 MPH.

I actually thought the 10 MPH number in my initial post sounded a little high in comparison.

Comment Idealist == ignorant? (Score 1) 442

I said proponents are often idealists. Do you not know the difference between idealist and ignorant? If not, you may in fact be ignorant.

If you'd care to become less ignorant, here's a good overview of the physical limits of turbines:

> and by implication identifying yourself as a renewable energy opponent

Yep, THAT'S why I advocate renewable energy that works, like using the sun as a source of heat. You might have noticed, the sun is really good at making things hot.
Were I an opponent of deploying renewable energy, I'd encourage people to focus on renewable scams that can never work on a large scale, like pretending that the sun is a source of electricity rather than a source of heat.

Comment We'd do well to stop increasing demand (Score 1) 442

> If we reduce the demand for hydrocarbon energy by 30%

For the last 2,000 years or so, the demand has just kept going up, lately at a pretty fast pace. Therefore I don't think a 30% reduction is too likely. If we did some reasonable steps, like solar HEATING rather than wasting all of our time and resources into trying to make the sun a source of electricity, we could get close stabilizing the demand, having the demand stop increasing.

Comment adiabatic definition: does not get rid of heat (Score 1) 62

> From the article:
> "When outside air temperature is too warm for free cooling, the data center’s adiabatic cooling system

Which is funny, because the word adiabatic means something that does not get rid of heat, or draw in heat, from the outside.
An adiabatic system would cool the building by drawing a vacuum, sucking all of the air out of the building. The decreasing air pressure would lower the temperature for a few minutes. Since you can't keep lowering the air pressure below absolute vacuum, the servers would melt after a few minutes.

Perhaps they meant to say "diabatic cooling system". A diabatic system is one that gets rid of heat (or draws in heat). Of course that's also the definition of "cooling", so if that's what they meant, it's a snobbish way of saying "cooling cooling system". With the a prefix, it's "non-cooling cooling system", which is gibberish. Unless of course by "abiatic (non-cooling) cooling system", they mean "cooling system that doesn't col, one that doesn't work". If on 100F days they are relying on a abiatic aka non-cooling aka broken cooling system, I don't think I want my servers there. I had a taste of that when I had servers at Alphared.

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