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Comment Palin (Score 1) 8

I HOPE this Fascist Loser is a 1 termer and that we CHANGE the office and put Sarah Palin in it in 2012

Hmmm. As I've said before, I'm not much of an Obama fan. But you lost me at the point you said you want Palin in the oval office. I just don't get it.

Comment We fixed the economy (Score 1) 6

Not being subjected to US news, I have no idea who is claiming that the economy is fixed. I'm assuming it's Obama, or one of his minions. If so, it's a blatantly stupid claim. That's something you can only realistically claimed after things have got better. Maybe the economy's bottomed out. Maybe not. But claiming it's fixed is just braindead.

On the other hand, whether it's fixed or not, you can hardly blame the current administration for the state of the economy right now. Unless you believe that 6 months is enough to enact policies and have them impact the economy to such a great extent, which I don't think is realistic. FWIW, nor do I blame the previous administration for the economy. I think they got many things wrong, but I don't think they contributed to the stupidity of the banks that got us to where we are now. You could argue that tighter regulation might have prevented things from getting this far, but even then, I'm doubtful. Ways to circumvent regulation will always be found where there is money at stake.

Comment Backup strategy (Score 1) 611

The backup strategy is the same as it's been for the past 40 years or more: keep copies of your data offsite, where you can get at them in a reasonable timeframe should anything happen to your local storage. The technology used to implement that strategy changes with time, though. Personally, I made the decision many years ago that removable media was a waste of time. The only sensible option is to have storage powered up and accessible at all times. So I rsync to a hosted server in a remote datacentre (the initial sync took forever over ADSL, but the nightly diffs are pretty quick)

Journal Journal: Holy crap, that's a lot of spam 2

Some while back, spam became a sufficiently large problem for me that I decided to do something about it. After looking around at the options, I decided to go with bogofilter. It's small, fast, and written in C. These are all good things. It looks at each message and builds up a database of words and the frequency with which they appear in spam and ham, and uses that to classify each incoming message. So far so good. It seems to work very well. Wh

Comment Re:A good combination of a storyline and graphics. (Score 0, Troll) 506

Storyline? What are you smoking? Who gives a shit about the back story? Did Doom succeed because people cared about what Union Aerospace were doing on Mars, or because the gameplay was out of this world? I know where my money would be. Where's the storyline in Tetris? Yet somehow that was mindblowingly successful. Ultimately, it's all about gameplay. Nothing else matters.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Unicode woes

Bizarre, I posted this earlier today, yet it seems to have disappeared. Maybe I just didn't hit submit after the preview. Anyway:

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>

Grrr. If you're going to stick that at the top of your feed, please mean it. 0xA0 is Latin1, not UTF-8. Lying to me like that just makes my life miserable :-(

Comment Re:Congratulations! (Score 1) 12

No, you've got it all wrong (quite apart from the fact that vi is the One True Editor). After the introduction to vi and C, the correct direction is to head towards lower level languages. Teach him assembly language. Start with something easy like 6502. Only then is it worth moving on to higher levels like scheme. Anything else is child abuse.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fedora 11 2

I was looking forward to installing the recently released Fedora 11. But sadly, it was not to be. The installer fails. And by that, I mean it doesn't even get as far as the installer itself. I can't get beyond ISOLINUX. The "Press Enter to begin the installation" message appears to mean "Press Enter repeatedly and bugger all will happen". Sadly, I can't even report it as a bug. The Red Hat bugzilla has decided that my password has expired, but doesn't want to send me a password reset token

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 7

You wouldn't believe how much stuff nowadays is broken if it's not on Linux/x86

I keep my Sparc and PPC machines around for precisely that purpose. Far too many people just assume Intel. I'm not going to be making the same mistake.

Comment Re:Security (Score 1) 18

I've been a firm believer in SSH key authentication

As I am, particularly when combined with restricting access via keys to only run certain commands. But be aware it's not the panacea some make it out to be. In particular, you're outsourcing your security to a third party that may not be as security conscious as you are -- you're trusting the owner of that keypair to have adequately protected their private key.

Comment Back on the road (Score 1) 1

My bike is finally back on the road again now. Various things had conspired to consume all of my available free time, so I hadn't had a chance to look at what was wrong with it. In the end, I bit the bullet and took it to a local garage, who found an electrical fault that was causing a lack of spark in the rear two cylinders. So far so good. Except the clutch slave cylinder decided to commit suicide on the way back from the garage. Ho hum. A couple of weeks later, when the replacement had arrived, it was fitted and I'm now back on the road. It's been far too long...

Comment Logic? (Score 1) 16

Logic sadly has nothing to do with it. Were there a shred of logic to be found anywhere in this debate, the American public would be 100% behind trying to reduce emissions. And that has nothing whatsoever to do with whether global warming a) exists or b) is caused by human activity, and everything to do with the downsides if global warming turns out to be real.

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