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Comment 12th Gen Graphics (Score 0) 45

Intel is also unveiling the Intel Xe 12th Gen integrated graphics processing unit (GPU), which replaces the Iris Plus integrated GPU. It has improved AI performance, Thunderbolt 4 input-output, and software optimizations.

Just what laptop customers are looking for, and just the answer to the decades of complaints about the bullshit performance of intel iGPUs! Improved "AI Performance"!

Comment Re:"right-wing"... (Score 0) 86

Lol I love how mad you guys get, and the insane gish gallop you do whenever you hear something you don't like. I bet you really don't like learning that 85% of white homicide victims were murdered by white people.

Anyway, keep replying and let me know how out of your mind enraged you are. Your bitch tears nourish and soothe me. =)

Comment Re:Everyone perceives victimhood. (Score 0) 86

That was the old slashdot. The new slashdot is butthurt right wing fuck boys with a handful of alts and sock puppets "cancelling" anything that hurts their bitch ass fee-fees. Case in point, I have been here for two decades, and recently two of these demented fucking losers have for the first time made me a "Foe" or whatever loser fucking bullshit makes them feel in control of a world they are decidedly not.

Anyway, neoslashdot is the favored hangout of impotent fat fuck 55 year old gen-x losers, while the rest of the intelligent folks left a long time ago.

Comment Re:"right-wing"... (Score -1) 86

Yeah, it's better if they're left wing, burning their own neighborhoods down,

Here's why don't we re-arrange your statement in a different way, and equally as true!

Yeah, it's better if they're right wing, gunning down children in schools, murdering black people in their homes, and promoting subjugation of women while imposing their religion on others

See how easy it is to say dumb fucking bullshit about your imaginary political opponents?

Comment Re:I don't need to post as AC (Score 0) 432

Yeah for folks who are "winning" all the time you sure are unable to not care what a stranger like me says on social media. Reminding you as I just did the other guy that I am rich compared to you dumb fucking assholes crying about "muh jerbs", , and Trump has literally saved me tens of thousands of dollars. Cry more =)

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