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Comment Re:Win 11 Meh (Score 1) 155

My Enterprise 10 version once restarted involuntarily during the worst possible time, in the middle of an event.

Worst possible time. Been there. I was on an offshore oil rig, waiting to watch a helicopter safety video (mandatory) so I could fly home when the computer used to play it started upgrading to Win10 I think (many years ago). They said if it didn't finish in time to watch the video, the helicopter would turn around a go back to town. Fortunately it did finish, but with only minutes to spare.

Yikes! That's a pucker string moment. Microsoft really needs to do like Linux and MacOS does. Let us choose when it reboots to install. They seem to think that the most important thing in computing is their OS, and that it takes priority over the work we are doing. Or trying to get home.

Comment Re:Uh huh... (Score 1) 80

I think is in a honeymoon phase of not having been sued yet. GPT4 has become very cautious about analyzing or quoting copyright material including papers, whereas perplexity will still go ahead and access them and do the work for you. It's great, but I wonder if it will last.

Comment Re:One can only wonder (Score 3, Insightful) 155

They literally are just going to add this shit and honestly think, "No no, we know better. It's better this way."

I will point out that philosophy has worked out pretty well for Apple. Who Microsoft have been copying for years.

Not sure what you mean. MacOS is Unix, and I spend as much time in Terminal as I do programs.

I can install the software I want, and seriously, the meme that Macs are completely locked down is right up there with Macs only using one button mice.

Comment Re:What market share would that be? (Score 1) 155

So you haven't searched for pre-installed Linux systems in about 10 years then. Or do you do all your PC shopping at Best Buy?

I think he goes to Circuit City to get his computers.

But to me, other than having to pay the Microsoft tax, Installing Linux is about as simple as you can get. Go to Linux Mint Or others, download it, burn the iso to a thumbdrive with say Rufus, boot then install. Have an internet connection, and it will sense your hardware and install the drivers, easy peasy.

If you prefer something other than Mint, you can go to, and have fun.

There are a lot prebuilt options too.

Comment Re:TPM and Secure Boot are the problem (Score 1) 155

And it even fails at this. Miserably. I can still install Linux on those systems. So what's the goal here?

Yup, in starting the transition to Linux on My Windows machine that "isn't eligible", Linux installed easily,

So soon, very soon, my personal use of computers will be free of Windows, I'll only have my BootCamp W10, for the increasingly rare uses.

Comment Re:Win 11 Meh (Score 2) 155

We upgraded our corporate VDIs to Windows 11. It seems rather little different than Windows 10. It is what it is. I've heard lots of corporations are moving to it in the next say 12 months. My Gaming system is running it, but honestly, I just use Steam Full Screen Mode ... That said, I cannot actually see anything "negative" about it. (The ads are kinda "meh" as far as "ads" are concerned.)

For different use cases, it will be different. For my use case, 10 is a problem, and 11 doesn't cure that problem. But the people want Windows, because it is the so called standard. It messes up sound drivers, and it gets unstable after downloading but not yet installing updates, and Windows does BOHICA updates. My Enterprise 10 version once restarted involuntarily during the worst possible time, in the middle of an event.

The irony is they saw the same thing running on My Mac and asked about it, it looked a little different, and had more features. I explained to them, telling them that this same software has more uptime, because I choose to do the updates, and the downloaded updates don't mess with the application and they wanted to know if they could get Mac on Windows. This is what you get when the people making the technical decisions have no technical knowledge. They stayed with Windows because it was the standard.

Comment Re:W11 is the enshiitification of W10 (Score 2) 155

I think that VMs are now far more capable than they used to be, so the few applications that can't run in Wine would probably by now work sensibly in that VM.

While Bootcamp technically isn't a VM, it is certainly more capable than a bog standard Microsoft box.

My group uses a lot of audio, and updates bork the audio pretty often, even before it is actually installed. My Bootcamp install has not suffered from that so far.

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