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Comment fucking awful arrticle (Score 1) 22

The mix of units and times in this is fucking horrendous , obviously intended to confuse the reader, how about some standardisation.

50m kg is 50,000 tons a year.
1.1m tons over 3 years is ~370,000 tons a year.
So therefore Japan represent less than 15% of the plastic waste being imported, So why single out Japan in that way?

Comment Re:Finland is fully prepped for war (Score 1) 160

If NATO gets involved it is hugely unlikely to end conventionally, it is what is keeping them out of it, if he feels cornered he won't back down, NATO knows this hence no direct intervention. As you say he is not an idiot or suicidal, but if you give him no way out he will take everyone else with him. Hence nothing Finland has done prepares them for war, if anything it puts them in an even worse position.

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