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Submission + - CentOS 8 has new EOL it is now the end of 2021

oldgraybeard writes: Redhat has just torpedoed CentOS 8 as an unbranded Redhat Enterprise stable. CentOS Stream: Building an innovative future for enterprise Linux and FAQ — CentOS Project shifts focus to CentOS Stream

Not sure what others think I use CentOS because it is Redhat unbranded stable and has a path to Redhat. Now CentOS 8 Stream looks like cutting edge. And I do not use cutting edge or quick turn distros(fedora).

I am looking to move elsewhere maybe Debian/Ubuntu LTS(20.04 looks pretty good) My take could be wrong. What do others think?

Comment Re:Fantastic (Score 1) 139

I see no difference between this and any other "lost cause" gofundme campaigns. It is completely within Apple's rights (and habits) to mess around with this guy's work by changing firmware blobs' or verified boot behaviour just enough to break whatever he creates.

The best he can hope for (and I think he does) is that it'll be a neverending paid gig of cat and mouse games with Tim Apple. Probably followed by a cease and desist DMCA letter if he gets too close to full support.

Comment Re:Fact: (Score 5, Interesting) 112

We've had the means and the know-how to avoid this for at least 15-20 years. Instant daily/hourly diff snapshots replicated (via pulling) to remote machines. Run as much as you can on a server accessed via web browser. If windows software is required, it should be storing data only on NASes (that do the snapshots) and the actual windows installation should be cloned from an image daily (or on demand). I understand this is oversimplified but it is the general gist of it.

Submission + - AWS outage affected doorbells, vacuum cleaners and lights ( 1

AmiMoJo writes: AWS recently had an outage, resulting in numerous IoT devices failing to work as they relied on cloud services. iRobot, maker of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, acknowledged the issue on Twitter after users noticed their bots malfunctioning. Next to go down were smart doorbells, with owners reporting loss of functionality. Some owners in Japan reported that they were unable to switch off their lights at bed time due to the outage. AWS is now working normally again.

Submission + - SPAM: Chinese Laptop With 14nm Loongsoon 3A4000 CPU Using MIPS Instructions Appears

Hmmmmmm writes: The biggest feature of this laptop is the CPU, featuring domestically made Longsoon's latest 14nm quad-core 3A4000 CPU. Longsoon claims the CPU is 100% faster than the previous generation 3A3000 and is comparable in performance to AMD's "Excavator" cores used in the A8-7680 Godavari architecture. Of course, this demonstrates how far behind Longsoon is from TSMC and Intel in performance, speed, and efficiency of its latest node.

However, the chairman of Loongsoon Technologies, Hu Weiwu, says, "14nm and 28nm (for its GPU node) is enough for 90% of applications.," so it appears the company isn't too worried about catching up to the performance leaders like Intel and AMD.

According to previous news, Loongson the 3a5000 CPU will be a 12nm CPU that is 50% faster than the 3A4000, and was to be release 1H2020

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Comment Re: Who put this one guy in charge? (Score 2) 345

"the world of Slackware" was almost lost a few months ago when Patrick could no longer live on thoughts and thank-yous alone. If you support this sanity, show it by joining his patreon. It's still only about 500 people and the future of the world of Slackware still isn't totally certain.

Comment Re: A kleenex could test positive for coronavirus (Score 1) 206

If you can explain how, I'm pretty sure you will have earned yourself some kind of award. I can pretty much guarantee that unless it's a "proudly chinese brand" selling from their own "proudly chinese store", it is 100% fake and product description is a work of fiction.

Comment Re:Power seems irrelevant (Score 1) 111

To me, the biggest disadvantage of consoles is no access to cheats/trainers. I don't play a lot but when I do, I want to relax, so I use trainers for unlimited ammo and sometimes health if it's a particularly difficult level. Do consoles have any of that? Before anybody objects, I don't play online multiplayer games, only open world RPGs or FPS. In online games I'd stand no chance against 16 year olds.

Comment Re:What of that is new? (Score 1) 238

Wouldn't they be using JFS instead?
I personally am very grateful for systemd's logging. Among others, journalctl -xeu $somename makes my work a lot faster (not having to search and rgrep). As far as reliability is concerned, any file corruption results in new file being created and logging continuing. AFAICT, this is more reliable than rsyslog has ever been.
Yes, Poettering is creating a new OS and I don't like it either. I want to be able to pick and choose whether i want logging, dns resolving, dhcp client, network config, ntp by systemd or something else. Unfortunately it's being rammed down our throats as one do-all-thingamajig instead of a collection of little tools working with a single api.

Submission + - Apple neutered ad blockers in Safari (

AmiMoJo writes: There's been much said about Google's supposed plans to limit the power of ad blockers in Chrome, but something similar has already happened in Safari, and not that many people have noticed, let alone criticize Apple. Unlike Google, Apple never received any flak, and came out of the whole process with a reputation of caring about users' privacy.

Apple deprecated Safari extensions, automatically disabling software such as "AdBlock Plus" and "Ghostery". The last to go was uBlock Origin, which shut down a couple of weeks ago.

The replacement system is called App Extensions, but it enforces a limit of 50,000 rules for ad blockers, even fewer than Google's now abandoned proposal for Chrome. Some extensions have soldiered on, converting to App Extensions but with reduced features and effectiveness, while others have been forced to give up.

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