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Comment Cash (Score 0) 94

Any product that "indiscriminately facilitates anonymous transactions," wrote the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, represents a "threat to US national security."

They know they're describing cash - US Dollar notes, right? Or any fungible/privacy-preserving current money.

Of course they do. The Programmable Surveillable Money (PSM) specter looms darkly.

No wonder Trump just got $100M in crypto donations. Not everybody wants their entire life in Genocide Joe's database (especially not the MIC which can't find $3T taxpayer dollars).

Of course this means North Korea will offer these services directly for 10%.

Comment $49 for 80/20 (Score 1) 157

My $49 security cameras do object segmentation well enough to eliminate those two-minute red lights with noone else around except for the autistic cop hiding in the bushes.

That technology is good enough to optimize lights with 80% of the benefit and will continue to improve, getting times down (e.g. traffic wave approaching light about to turn yellow).

The last 20% needs realtime tracking and remote shutdown of all vehicles - which is the true goal of many technocrats.

Be on guard.

Comment Disingenuous (Score 4, Insightful) 87

MOND is a class of hypotheses.

This article is motivated reasoning committing unforgivable composition error.

What a scientist does is test each hypothesis separately and see how theory and data correlate.

What a propagandist looking for funding does is throw out the scientific method to favor his friends.

One MOND hypothesis being ruled out is /progress/.

Since Supersymmetric approaches are obviously not bearing fruit, all options should be on the table.

Even 'stretchy entanglement', non-Mach event horizons, and other odd non-DM, non-MOND hypothesis.

Dishonest tribal people should be excluded from science funding.

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