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Comment Re:aaand it won't help much (Score 1) 125

Which is why these applications need administrator-level permissions that let you prevent those warning and instead show an error message (without an "ok" button).

Better yet, corporations could wake up and start demanding their software and infrastructure stop requiring the use of flash player to access their services.

Comment Re:Speaking of "Smear Campaigns"... (Score 1) 513

And when you change your service provider? What then?

And when you decide to change from Google, what then?

The only way you can keep your email address no matter what companies you decide to do business with is to have your own domain. And when you do that, it's easy enough to pick a service that includes email. Yes, you pay. But that's the only way to never have to change your email address whilst not being married for life to some company.

Gmail isn't tied to any other services, ISP e-mails are tied to your internet connection. If you need a different internet connection due to speed or reliability issues or you move somewhere that the ISP doesn't cover, you are fucked.

When I switch from gmail (which I plan to do in the next year or two), I can set up auto-forward with an auto-response asking the sender to use my new e-mail. That's something NO isp will let you do after you cancel your contract

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 214

Could you explain why you think it's not good?

Would you like to see political groups broken up for saying something that an individual would have been fine saying? It's happened all over the world in the past - the "legally elected government" cracking down on opposition parties simply because they oppose them, I'd say protecting the right of any organisation to express rational opposition to another is absolutely a requirement of civilised society.

Could you give an example? I'm finding it difficult to think of one.

Comment Re:Land of the free (Score 1) 214

"Similar deals have been made with for instance donkeys, dogs, cats and falcons."

Eating your fellow carnivores is in general a bad idea, and that goes for zombies and cannibals. The concentration of poisons go up the higher the food chain you go. A falcon can suffer from eating rats not harmed by eating insecticide-laced insects.

Ummmm, what?

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