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Comment Re: Doesn't matter. (Score 1) 271

Especially the SJWs.

...go ask the round of progressive professors who've lost their jobs because someone got offended and rallied the mob over their opinion on Halloween costumes, or refusing to play along with their "whitey is the cause of all world ills" stances.

LMAO, remember last year when Berkeley staff and educators had to use an escape hatch to flee SJW protestors?

Good times.

Comment Re:What about "hate speech"? (Score 1) 153

Are they too stupid to set up a web server?

That's not the problem.

is their ISP blocking them from serving content?

Basically, yes.

Is the American government refusing them a domain name?

That's not how domain name distribution works.


I haven't really been paying attention,

Yea that's pretty obvious.

but it seems that a bunch of people are trying to get others to host their content whether they want to or not.

Well then, by all means point us to the US government-run web hosting service that's available to all Americans, regardless of what opinions we hold. I can wait.

Comment Re:Capitalism bad. (Score 1) 342

You're making a lot of assumptions about Zero-Dollar Guy.

There's actually a lot of scrap out there which could be turned into useful things, not just artworks for the 1%

There is, but outside the shopping cart full of tin cans that the local homeless population collect, most of it is heavy and thus, expensive to transport; even a 15 year old short-bed half-ton pickup will cost you several thousand dollars just to purchase, not including fuel and maintenance costs.

So that leaves Zero-Dollar Guy to collect tin cans with the homeless; makes sense, as having no money or income whatsoever does tend to lead to that lifestyle.

Energy is a bigger problem, but it can be had for little money with enough ingenuity. Home-built wind power, cannibalizing used solar systems, etc.

So where is this home you can purchase with no money? And where are you coming up with parts to build your off-the-grid power system? Unless Zero-Dollar Guy is stealing the parts, he's going to have to pay for them somehow... not that it matters, as we already realized that Zero-Dollar Guy is homeless, and I doubt the city is going to let homeless Zero-Dollar Guy set up a half-baked DIY solar farm on a public sidewalk.

The big problem is space. Finding an area of sufficient size to stack up your found materials in which it is acceptable to work can be a challenge.

Nah, finding space is easy, that's why there are junkyards everywhere. The problem is finding money to purchase and maintain the space, a problem Zero-Dollar Guy is going to have a hard time solving if the only income he has is from the shopping cart filled with soda cans he picks up off the side of the road.

Comment Re: Capitalism bad. (Score 1) 342

This, all of it.

I've always been under the impression that the only kind of communism that could possibly work is the kind Jesus Christ talked about, where everyone voluntarily give things they don't need to people who do need them... except, that goes against just about every instinct that evolution has taught us in regards to self-preservation.

So I guess by "possibly work" I really mean "isn't compulsory and shitty."

Comment Re:Clearly and objectively, NO. (Score 1) 96

If you can't be bothered to spend enough time raising your own children, then do not have them in the first place.

Not that I disagree (much the opposite), but since we're talking about Google getting into schools, and the fact that sending your kids to school is mandatory, I don't think that really applies here.

Comment Re:Nothing but Ad Hominem Fallacy!!! (Score 1) 96

This is nothing but a good example of classic Ad Hominem logical fallacy/attack!!!

The real issue to consider is this: Is the training content provided by Google is right or wrong?
Tell us about that!!!

The real issue is NOT whether Google itself is a good role model or not!!!

So, what you're saying is, we should judge the Nazis who ran the Hitler Youth program based on their success/failure rate, and never consider the fact that they were goddamned Nazis?


Comment Re:Not breakups. Guillotines. 3 easy steps. (Score 1) 127

On the other, that exact same thing is what reduces risk so that progress can go forward and enrich all of humanity with bountiful product.

LOL, right - before Citizens United, there was no innovation or progress, because corporations weren't legally people.

Seems legit.

the "poor" today in 1st world nations are still richer than the richest person 200 years ago.

Not even close. The "richest person" in 1818... was still fucking rich, even by modern standards. Hell, it was probably a king somewhere.

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