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Comment Re:Our Makerbot sucks, why do we want another? (Score 1) 44

While I agree with the gist of this thread - I do think it's exciting to see some mainstream interest (and mainstream money) being put into consumer-grade 3d printers. Dell might not be the ideal company for it, but I still consider it another step toward having commodity 3d printers whose capabilities we can take for granted (just like our CD burners or laser printers).

Comment Re:What's left of the UK Navy (Score 1) 401

You only need CATOBAR if you want strike capability. The ability to launch and recover large, heavy aircraft is very much for offense. If you're interested primarily in air defense, you can get by with lighter weight aircraft and much much lighter munitions. The Nimitz is great if you need to strike targets far from home, but if you have equally capable aircraft, you could defend against one with a far smaller carrier.

Doesn't make one or the other "proper," just built for different missions.

Comment Re:This should be good! (Score 1) 611

I hope they can focus the debate on what should be taught to children rather than the endless runaround a debate over creationism itself would be. I honestly think you could get a lot of value out of a debate over the merits of teaching some of the philosophy behind creationism.

We all know arguing creationism against science is like debating the merits of mustard over screwdrivers....

Comment Re:No No! Re:Boohoo (Score 1) 439

and those with a ruthless dedication to the pope, and those who put their left shoe on first (the heathens), and those who never learned the true meaning of zero, and those with stars upon thars, and those who have a potassium deficiency, and those who like parrots, and those who don't like parrots, and those who don't use a mouse mat, and lefties, and righties, and ambidextrousies, and those about to rock, and those named Spartacus, and those who can only count in hexadecimal, you insensitive clod.

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