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Comment Re:Run coward run!!!!! (Score 0) 536

Wow, how times have changed.

You just stated that a man who violated his contract with people he agreed, openly, up front to not betray, to tell 'the world' what they already knew the NSA was doing (seriously, you're a fucking moron if this is news to you), is a hero in comparison to men who put everything they had on the line including their lives?

Snowden hasn't lost anything, hasn't risked his life, and is now about to be some foreign governments whore for a few months till their done with his information and put him in a hole somewhere.

He's not a hero, hero's do good things without having to think about it or take press interviews. He's just a guy who wanted Assange level attention.

Guess what, the US government invaded Iraq and Afghanistan ... there, now I've done the same thing Snowden did, except I'm not violating a contract with my own government. Neither he, nor I, told anyone anything they didn't already know unless they lived in a box.

Whistleblowing only makes you a hero in certain cases, not just because you betrayed someones trust. Doing something useful is a prerequisite for being a hero.

Comment Re:Run coward run!!!!! (Score 1) 536

What backlash?

Other than a few people freaking out like yourself and the rest of slashdot, there has been no reaction.

There certainly has been no backlash. He didn't even really say anything we didn't already know and have known for years.

The US government isn't even trying hard to get him, thats why he's still talking and actually traveling. Its not like he's hard to find, he's freaking walking into the airport and traveling with a US passport for fucks sake. They JUST NOW revoked it. The DoJ barely bothered to file the extradition request with Hong Kong.

He may be 'wanted', but not very bad. He's as wanted as Assange, which is pretty much not at all unless you're a massive conspiracy moron.

Comment Re:Going to Russia for safety from the US. (Score 0) 536

First Orwell's "1984", now Kafka's "The Trial". What's next, Carrol's "Through The Looking Glass (Alice in Wonderland)"?

If you think we're in a 1984 state, you utterly failed to understand the point of the book. The fact that we're having this discussion is enough for you to know we're not in a 1984 state. Please stop trying to be trendy and anti-establishment by referring to books you either didn't read, or clearly don't understand.

Perhaps you've already taken one too many acid trips through the looking glass?

Comment Re:An ipad? (Score 1) 100

Because they were using Google Glass ... which proves them stupid as there are existing superior methods of doing this sort of medicine and have been for at least 10 years.

Besides, since it uses Bluetooth they pretty much couldn't use any Android device could they? Wouldn't want it cutting out randomly due to shitty drivers. The inferior iPad is far more reliable in that aspect than anything you're trying to fanboy it up for.

Comment Re:Not new (Score 1) 100

next week "man shoots porno with google glass" well doh. how about an article about hacking the os and the native api's on the device instead? you know, something actually interesting..

I submitted using Google Glass for first person perspective porn to Google during the #IfIHadGlass contest, they didn't like it.

Comment Re:Adoption is all very well, but... (Score 1) 419

Did you read the article that linked too which pretty much showed their point was a joke, and the evidence was by a dinky developer with a grand total of 2 apps, both of which suck ass, the first of which was just flat out pathetic.

So yes, if you write shitty apps and intend to make your living by getting the low hanging fruit who by your app by mistake, then that article suggests Android would be a better choice.

As a developer, that article just pushes me further away.

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