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Comment Re:from the ground? (Score 1) 35

While trying to be symantically and technically correct for a joke can be fun sometimes, you've completely missed the mark here. Assuming this is suppose to be a joke and that you aren't being serious...

I'm really having a tough time trying to work out why "the ground" could possible refer to anything else but the ground we stand on. I've never ever heard of "the ground" being used to reference anything else, not even when we had astronauts on the moon.

Comment Religious reasons? (Score 5, Insightful) 227

I really don't understand why anyone should be exempt for something as superfluous as "religion". Doesn't this effectively mean everyone who wants to be exempt can claim exemption?

Why can't it just be left at "medical reasons" only, and remove the magic man in the sky (or whatever ones mythology is) entirely?

Comment YouTube's biggest hit on mental health... (Score 3, Interesting) 57 the constant and annoying ads, especially those that just cut in in the middle of a sentence, or mid way through the 1st movement of a symphony.

Get rids of the ads, or maybe limit them to 1 or 2 minutes per hour (let me watch a 2 minute ad for a hour of ad-free youtube, say), and it will certainly be a major boost to my mental health.

I might then stop turning off YouTube and switching to Netflix again.

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