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Comment Re:clone COMPLETELY SHOT DOWN, finally... lol! (Score 1) 263


YOU FUCKING IDIOT, read the next part where I said to change the delimiter to a space / tab!

Who’s skimming now, hmm?

Your failure to make a correctly working HOSTS file on export

Tested and works. YOU are the one who failed at reading comprehension to duplicate what I told you to do.

unlike your "script kiddie script"

I’ll say it again. That wasn’t my script. I don’t do shell scripts. Keep shrilling your insanity, nobody cares.

Comment Re:Clone you're "shot down" again... lol! apk (Score 1) 263

A "VARCHAR" field allows different lengths of text to be in each row, in a particular column, and to NOT HAVE TO HAVE THE COLUMN BE THE SAME LENGTH!

E.G.=> Text1 vs. TextText1

Both are text fields, but the 2nd one is longer than the first. The VARCHAR field will make 5 spaces for "text1" & 9 spaces for "texttext1", but NOT FORCE THE "text1" entry to be the SAME 9 DIGIT LENGTH, via padding, that "texttext1" is.

I know what a varchar field is, you arrogant prick. That’s what the memo field does in Access. You’re an idiot.

Try an export... see what happens!

(I.E.-> You'll end up with a file with TONS of "trailing blanks" as padding

Then you exported it wrong, moron. Go in to the settings and change it from “fixed width” to “delimited”. Then change the field delimiter to “{space}” or “{tab}” and the text delimiter to “{none}”.

Your failure at exporting data from Access does not me wrong make.

Comment Re:Apart from the moral issues, timothy.. (Score 1) 532

Apparently it means moving the ground wire on the pool light enclosures to the hot leg of the circuit. However you’d probably also have to work around any GFCI and/or circuit breakers. (And anyone who uses “polarity” when talking about an AC circuit is a freaking retard... Timothy.)

As I don’t have a pool, I’m fairly sure I can post this without being the subject of an investigation. However, that might not apply to those of you reading it. Sorry about that.

Comment Re:timothy... (Score 1) 532

You don’t need to set up your own network to harvest MAC addresses, unless you want to get a particular person I suppose – I think you’d need to break the encryption to get any MAC addresses off an encrypted network but you could sniff all the devices on any unencrypted network just fine.

And spoofing a real MAC address isn’t even necessary to begin with. Just using something like 01:23:45:67:89:ab or 0d:ea:db:ee:f0 would be sufficient.

Comment Re:Link to the picture (Score 1) 159

I stopped after previewing the tinyurl (persistent cookie) revealed that it was an link. The only reason anyone would need to double-hide the URL is to keep people from knowing what they’re about to visit.

Now, if I knew how to preview an link, curiosity probably would have led me to at least see what it led to, but I don’t. So... meh. I tried using telnet to get the response but it seems to be blocked at the firewall somewhere.

Comment Re:You're welcome, & his work wasn't 1/2 bad.. (Score 1) 263

his work wasn't 1/2 bad...For a script...

Imo, it's MOSTLY there

LOL, as much as I’d love to take credit for the script, I really didn’t write it.

in Access? You have NO "varchar", only fixed size text fields

False. Access calls it a memo field type instead of a varchar field type. It holds up to 63,999 characters.

(& it always defaults to the LONGEST entry, padding the rest to equal length to said longest entry, making the HOSTS file "bloated")

Also false. Fixed-length text fields are not padded with spaces in Access:

Up to 255 characters. Microsoft Access only stores the characters entered in a field; it does not store space characters for unused positions in a Text field. To control the maximum number of characters that can be entered, set the FieldSize property.

Comment Re:Good online content? (Score 4, Insightful) 315

A journalist's opinion regarding the importance of daily newspapers is probably a good deal more valuable than yours.

I disagree. His livelihood depends on it. He’s extremely biased.

That doesn’t mean that his opinion is invalid, but it certainly means that people should take that bias into consideration when they evaluate statements like the one he made above.

And then he makes statements like this:

I don't really care if a rock band loses out on revenues from internet piracy, but newspapers are the grease that make democracy work.

Somehow I have a feeling that if he were a musician his tune would be different.

He’s a professional journalist saying that amateur journalism will never cut it. Well, “professional” programmers also talk down on the amateurs who write open-source software. “Professional” musicians talk down on amateur garage bands. I see no real difference amongst them, and I see no reason to believe that any of their claims are true.

Comment Re:Good online content? (Score 1) 315

Never mind, I should have read his next couple of sentences:

FWIW I am a believer that if you don't pay for news, then the newspapers will go under.

And no, I don't think citizen reporting and blogs from some college student are ever going to replace serious journalism.

And then I noticed his username and wondered if he wasn’t possibly just a shill...

Oh. I see.

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