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Comment Re:And nothing will happen (Score 1) 169

Of course there was the Enron exec who committed suicide by running off the road, shooting himself in the back of the head twice and then dropping the gun 10 feet away.

MRSA is nasty, and not often encountered outside of healthcare facilities. Once the infection has taken hold it's really difficult to get rid of. If someone has figured out a way to weaponize it that is NOT a good development.

Comment Re:W11 is the enshiitification of W10 (Score 0) 155

I was on Linux for over a year on my personal machine at home. I could work with kubuntu. My wife could use kubuntu. All nice and well... but the amount of "Oh what the hell is wrong with you NOW?" was just... GAH!

Granted, after four years on MacOS I hate that pile of garbage even more. And Win11 is worse for me than Linux, luckily i only have to use it on the work pc and because it sucks so hard, I get away with "Sorry, I missed that important call because this POS... you know how it is...".

Did I mention I landed on kubuntu after trying and dismissing four other distros for various bugs or failures to even install? kubuntu was just the least bad...

The fanboys will mod that troll... instead of hopping on the bandwaggon and making Linux useable. For them the problem is always everybody else, never their love-child....

Comment Re:AM radio is nothing in terms of volts. (Score 1) 314

It actually only means that you have a piece of card board that is painted looking like an AM radio.
The knobs and buttons obviously could be painted, too. Or made from cork or something similar.
Bonus points if you have some rubber bands that move a needle over the station indicator if you actually dial one of the knobs.
Ah, ya, "radio buttons" would be a kind of bonus. Obviously absolutely unaffordable in our days.

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