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Comment Re:What’s wrong with honesty? (Score 1) 21

I commented previously, so I can't use my moderator points to rate this as "Troll" which it so richly deserves. I really don't understand the blatant bias of so many posters here. It's one thing to say "Apple put forward a misleading error message, and Apple users seem to accept that." It's a whole 'nuther thing to say "Most Apple users arent [sic] equipped to deal with that truth." Are so many of you so insecure that anyone who doesn't agree with your world outlook must automatically be labeled as idiots?

It's interesting that most of my friends with whom I spent 40 years in the software industry use Macs. But I guess we're just the exception.

Comment Re:Robert Reich had this to say (Score 3, Informative) 99

What the Reich piece fails to address are 2 core points: (1) why Boeing changed from its previous dominant position in aircraft safety. (2) And who owned the company back then. I'm not convinced by the argument that government ownership somehow makes Airbus "safe".

I observed the change in Boeing culture when I was on the government side of a major DoD project. And I learned about software safety from people who worked for "old Boeing" on projects like 777. The change in the procedures I learned about (e.g. Designated Engineering Representatives) that let Boeing do much more -unsupervised- self-certification is definitely part of the problem.

But at the end of the day, someone signed off on 737 MAX designs, including the incomplete hazard analysis. And someone signed off on the aircraft with the missing bolts. THOSE PEOPLE SHOULD BE CRIMINALLY CHARGED. And that is most certainly an appropriate role for government.

Comment Advantage of Apple's walled garden (Score 1) 42

Is that Apple can pretty much cancel this, not just preventing future downloads, but I think they also have mechanisms to revoke existing downloads (developer certificate revokation, I think.) Now Apple should explain how this got through their curation, which is part of how they earn their fee.

Comment at what point do these become DDOS? (Score 3, Insightful) 82

A friend carefully monitors his network, and sees a fair amount of this security scanning. Of course, that sets off the alarms he's added to his systems, clogging up logfiles and generally chewing through both bandwidth and server. At some point, this moves beyond "fair use" into "unfair use," but I don't know where to draw this line. Seems to me that "responsible" security scanning should be infrequent and probably announced ahead of time. But I could see arguments the other way.

And of course, the only way to distinguish a 'security scan' from a 'vulnerabiity scan' is to look at the originator IP and draw conclusions from that, which we know is not really authoritative.

Comment Consistent with other Separatist movements (Score 1) 200

and they're full of old people asking "when we succeed will I still get my social security check?".

And of course there's the world famous "Keep Government Out of My Medicare" sign....

It's astonishing how little people understand our country. And there's a never ending supply of grifters willing to take advantage of that...

Well, we lived in Canada during the Quebec Separation Referendum of 1995 (, and we saw similar ignorance during that event. Politicians were actively dishonest (on both sides), newspapers tended to be either pro- or anti- and talked only to their own side. It was hard to find credible factual analysis of the impacts if the referendum succeeded. (It was particularly galling for the premier of Quebec, who had a PhD in economics from London School of Economics, to spout blatant nonsense.

And from the little bit I saw across the pond, a similar dynamic seemed to be in effect during the Scottish referendum in 2014 (

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