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Comment Re:Why? ~nt~ (Score 2) 267

I don't know about anybody else, but I expect that society should be giving us all more for less as progress results in more reward for less input, and there's more to go around. The sad thing is, wages don't even need to keep up with productivity, or at least they don't have to advance as quickly, in order to represent satisfactory progress.

Comment Why I watch Bollywood films (and nudity timing) (Score 4, Interesting) 384

You don't KNOW what's going to happen in them. Seriously- there is no "chekov's" gun in Bollywood films. You may see 3 guns on the wall and only 1 of them will be used. You may have an entire subplot which is just interesting but doesn't mean go anywhere.

It's fantastic. When I go to a hollywood film- I can often guess the ending within the first 30 minutes. And it LOWERS the value I place on hollywood films by a couple bucks. I might pay 9-10 bucks to see a genuinely interesting surprising film. But only about 6 to 7 bucks for a mildly entertaining predictable film with a manipulative soundtrack (they tell you how to feel about the actions taken basically-- making the same action "good" or "bad" based on the accompanying soundtrack.)

I noticed several years ago that R rated films which are not "sex" films (like betty blue) have their first nude scene at 40 minutes into the movie (sometimes 39, sometimes 41 but you get the idea). Probably sets unrealistic expectations for dating people.

Comment Re:It's about the money, stupid (Score 1) 384

Good luck getting funding for a unique motion picture when the studios not only know what makes a profitable film, they can prove it.

The implications of this kind of phenomenon are even more frightening when applied to other areas of human endeavor. e.g. politics. Good luck getting votes for a third party candidate when the corporations not only know what makes an electable candidate, they can prove it.

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