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Comment Re:The pathology of cheaters (Score 1) 88

the evidence showed extensive cheating in the months leading up to when they caught him, including prize money tournaments.

Yes, which is what this suit is about. We will hopefully see if those allegations were meritorious or were just character assassination designed to help their business partner and themselves.

Comment What a Ridiculous Statement to Make (Score 1) 88

What a great way to come off as a complete bumbling fool. I don't understand how their did not exist a competent lawyer who could of convinced Magnus that this was a bad statement to make.

The law does not care if Niemann culminated a bad boy persona. Magnus and are business partners, and together they destroyed or attempted to destroy a multi million dollar career. And they had a financial incentive to do so. Their statements better be provably true, trying to weasel out by saying, "well Niemann just seemed like the kind of guy who would cheat, he intentionally built this persona so its his fault I called him a cheater" is not just not going to work. It is so poor of a statement that he really needs to rethink his entire approach to this case.

Comment Re:The pathology of cheaters (Score 1) 88

To be clear, the only proven cheating Niemann did was use a bot 5 times to go up the ranks to play better players. If true it was not for gain in the sense you are talking about, it is just literally the only way online to do the classic Korean DJ money match technique of self improvement.

Comment Re:wrong tool (Score 1) 141

I am not doubting that their are literally thousands of C tutorials, but it has very poor official curated documentation. While many of these C tutorials may be of high quality they are not comprehensive, and telling the good tutorials from the factually inaccurate ones simply based on google search result scoring is a crap shoot. C has the cpp reference webpage and the online unix man pages for "official" documentation, and they both suck. Their are probably many amazing books, but books are not as easily search-able and not everyone has a library full of C books. You cannot say, well technically you can just hire John Romarro to sit next to you to explain how to use the C standard library and you wont have any trouble at all. And I am not saying their is not some IRC channel with some amazing members who might answer all your programming questions. I am saying Rust has official professional support channels filled with volunteers.

These are not languages that can be considered similar in their documentation and support.

Comment Re:wrong tool (Score 2) 141

I'm not entirely convinced you can compare C to Rust in this way.

I recently wanted to get back into programming. Started out trying C, moved to Rust.

Rust has its downsides but they are not C-like downsides. If we are talking beginners, Rust has great documentation and a very active support community. And if we are talking general application development, it has a fully featured standard library, you are not starting from nothing and building up form their. It is also completely cross platform. It has its own package manager to install rust programs, or it literally took me 20 seconds to figure out how to cross compile to a different OS.

Comment Re:Devil's advocate here (Score 2) 158

It's not like we couldn't just keep her from holding any sort of position of leadership.

Ah, maybe in China. But I have doubts that any decent lawyer would not be able to get any "you cannot do normal thing X" overturned. Also, "touching a computer" is a physical binary thing, you are talking about something almost psychological, not being a leader is subjective. Mob bosses still control their organizations from jail, how are you going to stop a free woman from exerting control over people?
Holmes is one of the worse most destructive non war criminals of the last decade, and you really want her to go free because maybe she wont do it again? Maybe a mass murderer is tired of murder and we can just ban him from ever killing again so he does not need to be imprisoned?

Comment (Score 1) 66

This is stupid. Premature Optimization Is the Root of All Evil!
Anyone who spent any amount of time looking at this problem knows, no one needs, wants, or is asking for a secure display server. The Linux community should not be focusing on technology for the military, they should be focusing on technology the community wants.

Comment Re:Nothing wrong with outing pedophiles (Score 1) 228

While "Taking a predator into custody can be very dangerous as well." might just be the most ridiculously horrible thing I have ever heard a police officer say, their is some argument to be made here.

Does making a predator lose their job actually reduce the number of crimes? Real predators should be in jail or dead, public shaming may be ineffective or even counter at least for the person getting shamed. I also would be worried about solicitation. Simply pretending to be underage online is not entrapment, but if they are seeking out and soliciting people that is another matter. You can convince just about anyone to do just about anything if you are good enough at it.

Comment Re:Because DST all the time is stupid (Score 1) 290

"If you want more light in the morning make the local convention to open business at 9a rather than 8"

That is the problem, all business, and schools, and would just need to open earlier and close latter, at some point. This would be really expensive and also confusing for everyone, unless they all agreed to do it to the same extent at the same day. And then we just have Daylight savings time, but more confusing.

Indoor businesses can just have everyone drive to work in the dark, and increase traffic deaths, or they can change their operating hours.

Comment Re:Cryptocurrency is a worthy subject (Score 1) 18

I think cryptocurrency as a currency is still (yes, I'm saying this in 2022) a neat idea that I hope eventually gets working well enough to go mainstream.

First off currency, unlike investments, need to be somewhat stable. The price of things and services cannot fluctuate by significant margins in days or weeks, so it is not a good currency.

Secondly, It is extremely resource intensive. We spend too much money on too many things for every translation to take that much energy. If is takes more energy to process a transaction for a cup of coffey that it took to make the coffey, it is not a good currency.

Thirdly, it is too public. Everyone's purchase history probably should not be public knowledge.

Also just legally. I watched an interview on some stablecoin once, and then read a little about it. I am pretty sure they are breaking millions of laws every hour. Law enforcement are slow to understand new technology, but they eventually catch on, and our societies are not going to throw out all of our finance laws just to allow crypto currency to exist.

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