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Comment Technically.. (Score 1) 467

Technically, you probably should worry about getting a heart from a serial killer.

It has been proven that emotions can damage your body, including organs, and there has been shown to be some hints about anger and heart disease.

Hmm. What's that about magical thinking, now?

Comment Re:As Arab cities go... (Score 3, Insightful) 229

Your words would be commendable, but we have every day knowledge of how women are actually treated by proponents of the religion, in the current time. They would be more commendable if you didn't create arguments that no one has made - e.g "all moslems must be following that instruction mindlessly".

You are the only one making that argument, and you do it so you don't have to fact the actual reality of what is happening.

When was the last time you saw a couple guilty of adultery begin stoned to death at the city gates?

Well, they generally just stone the *woman* now, so that's ok?

You can claim the "no true scotsman" argument only up to the point you have actual governments that have implemented policies. It is then no longer just the die hard fundies - they have inculcated the society to accept their basic premises. This is easily seen by the lack of prosecution of people who murder their female relatives who have brought "dishonor" upon their house.

Sorry, but you are the one being the brainless fundy, making up your own toy arguments and vanquishing those wooden soldiers.


Comment Re:It is a social test: If you can't behave, GTFO (Score 1) 414

Your social test is basically authoritarian governance by social convention. It's really not any different than being comfortable with the same scheme run by government fiat.

You might not think of yourself as an authoritarian, but your comments belie your caveat.

The fact is that in either case, unless there is an over-riding reason for jumping through the hoop, neither is appropriate. Creating "social tests" that merely create more hoops for people to jump through, with no real reason is merely tyranny by another name.


Comment Re:person sitting next to the user (Score 1) 414

Is it really counted as a choice if it is mandated?

I thought that was kind of a definition of choice - that you decide, not that someone else decides for you.

I am pretty sure that there is no real argument to be made for the FAA "helping" someone to make choices through this manner.

In fact, I am pretty sure than an argument can be made against having freedom as you define it if there is any sort of artificial (that is something not inherent in the choice itself) coercion or incentive.


Comment Re:Test Honcho? (Score 3, Informative) 236

You don't often see a lot of innovation coming out of QA,...

Well, perhaps you should look a bit deeper at what Dr. Whittaker has done in the past before saying stuff.

This particular QA Manager is also a CS PhD.

You might be perhaps interested in his dissertation:

Markov Chain Techniques for Software Testing and Reliability Analysis

Perhaps that would by why we care about what this QA Manager thinks about software testing.

Comment Re:Where voluntary isn't voluntary. (Score 2) 305

False. You're cut off from no-one.

False, you are cut off from a lot of people.

I have yet to see an Android phone (in my country anyway) which doesn't feature a simple checkbox that allows you to install apps that didn't come from the market.

What percentage of owners have this checked by default in their version of Android?
What percentage of owners won't change it?

That's one group you are cut off from. I suspect it's a quite large group. And you can't do anything about it.

Next, unless you submit to every other market place that someone might want to search for your app and submit it, you are cut off from people who use those secondary markets.

While this one you may be able to do "something" about it seems like that "something" is going to be quite time consuming in the end.

Comment Re:Mildly effective (Score 1) 370

You are pretty funny.

"Merely a psychological trick".

I hope you know that it's not a "trick" it's an observed result of stimulus to a human being. Repeatable and effective, even if you know about the "reason" behind it.

You seem to believe that once you know about it you would be immune - "affect you momentarily".

This simply does not make any sense. It's not the type of thing where you go "Ha ha, oh, now i see the trick - just do *this*!"

It's probably more the type of thing where it takes experience, practice and a conscious effort of will to continue speaking. Even then, I would suspect that your brain is taking up a bunch of extra cycles that you could have used to be more effective in the communication.

I suggest you find a way to try it and report on how easy it was before posting something like this again.


Comment Re:It's either this or send in the Marines (Score 1) 221


You are forgetting to add in the CONTINUED ABUSE, DECADES LONG.

That's an established fact based on previous famines.

EACH of which was alleviated by outside help! So, no. We don't know that the regime won't change. We haven't tried this.

What we *have* established is that continuing to be a enabler of NK's abusive behaviours continues to cause famines. Over and over again. Now for 50 years! How many more decades of famines do we need to witness before stopping this? Is another 50 years enough to try something else?

but killing tens of millions of innocent people in order to bring down a regime you don't like is not acceptable to any decent human being.

Oh, so now it's because "I don't like the regime"! Of course! It has nothing to do with the type of human atrocities you are accusing me of trying to perpetrate.

So, what you find acceptable is to financially support a government that 1) kills its people with impunity and 2) oppresses them in one of the most severe states in the WORLD.

The only thing the bread is doing is allowing the NK circus to continue. That's it. You are in effect responsible for all the people that NK abuses here after. After all, by your logic it is *my* "fault" that NK would allow - as you say "tens of millions " to die rather than change the regime. Yeah, by not giving aid, I "caused" NK to kill it's own.

This logic is fucked up, and most of the world doesn't even see it. So why are you continuing to abuse all those people in NK? Why is your money going to help abuse them? Perhaps you should do something about that.

You are all so focused on the people currently living NOW. I am trying to focus on the least cost solution over all. Sometimes, that can be a bit disturbing, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't also look at it.

So. I see it as I said. Do it now. Stop being an enabler of an abusive government. That's a good thing in itself.


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