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Comment Re:Know how you can spot an irrelevant "journalist (Score 2, Informative) 490

You've never lived or spent much time in Sweden, have you?

It's true that relations between the sexes are rather different here than most places I've been. The difference is that women here are brought up to believe that they're fully equal to men, and they're not obligated in any way to do whatever men tell them to do simply because they're women.

It might not be what you're used to (and it took me a few years to adjust to it, myself), but to dismiss it as "misandry" is a complete mischaracterisation.

Comment Not especially new or even novel (Score 1) 114

1998-2004: worked from home as a freelancer; 2004-2007: full-time job working from home (the company didn't even have an office in the country where I was living at the time); 2007-present: after transferring to my employer's home country, have continued to work from home whenever I feel like it (which is most of the time).

Somebody would have to give me a LOT of money before I'd agreed to be forced to work in an office 40 hours/week again.

Comment Re:good for him! (Score 0) 403

We'll get back to you in 30-40 years and see how you feel about it then.

Or (here come the troll mods) if you're that dissatisfied with your own life, go right ahead and...

But no, you're just mouthing off, aren't you?

I'm 51, my life and work are going pretty well, my health is good, and I'm getting married in a few weeks. I've got every reason to believe that I'm good for another 25-30 years, at least--most of my forebears and their immediate kin have lived at least into their 80s in good health, and I've one great-great-uncle who lived to be 106. (They found him one evening leaned up against a fencepost, where he'd evidently stopped to take a little break whilst making his daily walk around his farm. Nothing wrong with him, the doctor said, except that he finally just wore out.)

If you think I'm tossing away everything I've worked for and the advantages I've likely inherited a mere 9 years hence in order to meet some half-assed expectation of yours, think again, kiddo.

I intend to be living a fantastic life and raising hell for another decade or three yet. Deal with it.

Comment Re:Not worried yet... (Score 1) 166

Haven't bothered with FB in a while, but they were serving me heaps of "Meet a Chinese|Thai Woman" ads,probably based on my having friends in and/or having posted photos from trips to those places. This in spite of the fact that my prefs have indicated from Day One that I was either in a relationship or engaged to be married, and I've never selected any options that would indicate I'm looking to hook up. Haven't actually logged in since I changed my status from "Relationship" to "Engaged" some months back, though--maybe I should go see if that makes any difference.

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