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Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score -1) 237

BS, bull shit, there is no such thing as a 'human right' to any good, service, attention of any kind, including education, medical care, housing, food.

A human right is a protection against government (people in power) destroying you, taking your property away, taking your freedom and life away from you, that's what rights are.

As to privileges, such as health care, old age insurance, education, whatever, all of those things have to be provided and you are the one responsible for it.

Comment Re:Economically obsolete. (Score 2) 147

That chart is unreadable garbage. The columns are not properly labeled, there are no units specified, and many of the rows are inexplicably duplicated but with wildly varying values. It looks like the output of a random number generator. It also says the numbers are projections, not actual reality, so even if they made sense (they don't), they would still be worthless.

Comment Re:Economically obsolete. (Score 2) 147

It is completely economically ineffective to build new nuclear plants anyway.

Every nuke built in the West in the last 30 years has been an economic fiasco and decades behind schedule.

But non-Western countries, especially China and India, have a solid track record of building nukes on schedule and on budget.

Nukes are a big part of the solution, just not in Western countries.

Comment Re:Doesn't he live in New York? (Score 3, Informative) 79

If there's such a thing as a polonium "antidote,"

Polonium is a radioactive actinide element with a half-life of 138 days. It is a very strong alpha emitter. It is chemically similar to selenium.

The best antidote is an actinide chelating agent such as dimercapto-propanesulfonate (DMPS).

But most victims don't even realize they've been injected until too much damage has already been done.

I hope he carries several doses.

Realistically, he doesn't need to worry about it. He isn't important enough for Putin to take risks to kill him.

Kasparov is a kook. He's an advocate of the Phantom time conspiracy theory that the Middle Ages never happened.

Comment Re:requirement (Score -1) 93

The word corruption, the only thing it means is - tax payers money is stolen by people with access to it. In the private sector this is known as theft. Corruption exists because governments exist and governments take our money and then it is used for personal gain of people with access to it.

All the things FTC gets its hands into are not corruption (they often become corruption once FTC gets involved).

Comment Re:Less "Worked-Hard" (Score 1) 222

so, just to be clear, the fact that europeans live longer in general than americans, is that because of socialism, communism or tyranny?

It's mostly caused by demographic differences. Americans are much more likely to be ethnicities that have a genetic predisposition toward shorter lifetimes.

Comment Re:Less "Worked-Hard" (Score -1, Flamebait) 222

Forcing somebody to work more than 10h/day and 50h/week

Except there is no force. If you don't like the hours, choose a different job.

The difference between America and Europe is that in America, people can decide for themselves how much of a life-work balance they want.

In Europe, the government makes that decision for you.

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