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Comment Xperia Play isn't the only way to say controller (Score 1) 143

does it have to have its own specialized store? And the answer, for those who know what they are talking about, is no.

So if I have a phone or tablet paired to a Bluetooth controller, and I want to use this phone or tablet to search for games that will be compatible with both the phone or tablet and this new "Gooya", how do I set Google Play Store to narrow the selection to only titles that support controller operation?

You just put "optimized for xperia play" (maybe in all caps) into your game description

Which means the developer would have to buy specifically an Xperia Play to test on, in addition to a Moga, a JXD S5110, an Archos GamePad, etc. so that they can all be included in the description. That's why searching based on the names of devices of similar capability is unsustainable.

Comment Re:Is it called Ouya? (Score 2) 143

If you create a game that uses iOS 7's new API for MFI controllers, it'll work on an iPhone 4 or iPod touch (fifth generation) with or without AirPlay to an Apple TV. Likewise, if you create an Android game that uses a controller, it can work on an Android phone paired to a Moga controller, on an uncommon handheld Android device with buttons such as Xperia Play, Shield, JXD S5110, Archos GamePad, or on a console such as Ouya or this new Gooya. It's just that most phones aren't sold in a bundle with a controller, and different genres of game work on a multitouch screen compared to a controller. Platformers and fighting games, for example, need a controller, and they can be next to unplayable on a multitouch screen alone.

Comment Re:PC and Internet hospitality toward house guests (Score 1) 74

use a different telco.

Which "different telco" do you recommend for occasional-use voice-only service (120 USD per year or less) on a smartphone?

If the child's parent doesn't have $300 of disposable income, then they probably should not have had a child.

A lot of circumstances can change between conception and when the child is old enough to learn how to take care of a laptop.

Comment How big has Android+gamepad audience grown? (Score 1) 74

a video game developer chooses a platform by the size of the audience

it's growing

But how big has it grown? Whether or not a company is willing to port a game to Android to reach Ouya, Shield, and Moga users depends on how well those products have sold. I'm surprised that a lot of manufacturers hide their sales figures from the public. I would figure that a manufacturer would want to brag about how many of its product have been sold to encourage developers to port their games.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 433

Personally, I would just as soon see all the clever people of the world stop fighting the "good fight" against DRM, and focus on creating alternatives to DRM'd content.

The problem here is that incumbent copyright owners are likely to file copyright infringement lawsuits against those who create alternatives to DRM'd content, claiming that these alternatives to DRM'd content were nonliterally copied from the works of the incumbent copyright owners. We've already seen The Tetris Company, for example, win a lawsuit against another publisher of a game with the same rules.

Comment Re:DRM is here to stay (Score 1) 433

Its your choice to use something non-mainstream.

What operating system is both mainstream and distributed without charge?

You (and others in your situation) should in fact be championing standardized DRM

Except this DRM isn't standardized either. Providers of content decryption modules are still free to make the choice not to port them to any operating system that is distributed to the public without charge.

Comment Poe's law (Score 1) 279

I was sarcasm-ing. I guess people need tags to recognize such things here.

For future reference: There are two reasons you might need tags. One is the correlation of proficiency in computer science and information technology with Asperger syndrome. This means Slashdot users are more likely to be Aspies like myself (diagnosed in ninth grade) than the general population. Another is that we have enough actual iOS fanboys here that any attempt to sort sarcasm from sincerity runs smack into Poe's law.

the iPhone is [...] a controller that plays games -- i.e., a controller for the Apple TV (which it is) that can ALSO play games (which it can).

It's a controller that can't play certain kinds of games very well, at least without an additional controller.

Comment Each individual content decryption module (Score 2) 433

Standards are far more likely to be implemented for Linux than proprietary schemes.

Each individual content decryption module is not a standard; it's a trade secret. I see nothing to guarantee that a given content decryption module will be made available for all platforms that access the Web.

Comment Re:2-factor, Suggest, Instant, Gmail, Docs, YouTub (Score 1) 354

And you *need* javascript to store cookies, how?

I haven't thoroughly debugged the scripts on Chase.com, but let me offer a few guesses. Only script can store cookies in localStorage or IndexedDB. Only script can generate a keypair that the server and the browser will use for challenges and responses, and only script can respond to the server's challenges.

And all it does is make pages more cluttered

JavaScript lets a web page hide a particular element until the user expresses interest in viewing it

Requiring extra clicks to read content I could've been reading right away, taking my attention off the act of reading and onto the act of finding what silly tab to click.

Are you familiar with the concepts of "information overload" and "progressive disclosure"? Please look them up on DuckDuckGo before proceeding. The gist is that if a document presents far more information at a time than the user is expecting, the user will find it difficult to find the desired information in the document. An alternate model is to present the entire web site as a single document and use the web browser to navigate in that document, but that's the same model that PDF uses for navigation, and a lot of Slashdot users have voiced their hatred of various things about PDF.

Does it now? Have you measured that, down to the extra handshakes?

It doesn't matter. One handshake to start a download of the 4 kilobytes of information that has can changed and one handshake to start a redownload of the entire page are each one handshake. One of them just transfers less data afterward. Besides, HTTP/1.1 allows a web browser to hold a connection open, resulting in fewer TCP handshakes overall. I myself have not measured that down to the extra handshake, but operators of large web applications have. There are white papers on the Web about on how Yahoo! and Google optimized their web applications to require fewer requests.

It already starts out bad with sometimes huge background images and avatars and all sorts of other crap that you're supposed to be interested in

Which would be sent with or without script. In fact, without script, more things would have to be sent and re-sent.

Comment PC and Internet hospitality toward house guests (Score 1) 74

There is no excuse for someone not having their own PC, tablet, smartphone or whatever.

The excuse for not carrying a smartphone is that not everybody has hundreds of dollars of discretionary income to spend on a data plan. Verizon and Sprint refuse entirely to activate voice-only service on a smartphone, and AT&T is known for cramming a data plan onto a voice-only SIM when the SIM is inserted into a smartphone. Should someone carry a laptop everywhere and risk having it stolen just in case he needs to access the Internet at someone's house? And even if so, would you let a house guest use your WLAN?

If they were my children, I'd have bought them each their own PC.

Would you also buy a laptop for one of your child's classmates who is on a play date at hour house but whose parents cannot afford to buy him his own laptop?

Comment In practice, hosts don't give a key out of band (Score 1) 104

you could communicate a key id over another channel, (in person, via phone, mail, etc)

But what providers of shared hosting or a virtual private server are willing to do this for a customer? I've asked the tech support departments of a few such hosts, and the answer was "Just say yes to whatever key fingerprint your SSH client shows."

Comment Re:Not everyone lives alone (Score 1) 74

For a house guest to ask to use my PC is considered the height of bad manners. You either bring your own device

You may consider asking to use your computer "the height of bad manners." Someone else might disagree with you, considering denial of use of a guest account itself a selfish act and "the height of bad manners." If my family is hosting an annual reunion, for example, "go back to Arizona and get your laptop, or I'll have to exclude you from participating in video games" isn't going to cut it.

or you go to an internet cafe.

If two children live together, how do you recommend that they play a two-player video game?

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