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Comment Re:pointless (Score 1) 434

nullability (why are reference types always implicitly nullable?).

Because reference types are not required to have a default constructor, yet on the other hand you need some sort of sentinel value to default-initialize things like array elements and class fields. This is a solvable problem, but it requires significant language redesign in other areas. For example, it would require a change to initialization rules such that it would never be possible to read an uninitialized reference-typed field of a class - so no circular class dependencies - and would require the dynamic type of object to change during construction, a la C++, to avoid calling overrides from base class constructors.

Comment Re:Seems familar... (Score 1) 434

Functional Interfaces; The article was light on details, but it seems to address the use cases that extension methods in C# addresses.

The article actually named this incorrectly. A "functional interface" in Java 8 is an interface with a single method - basically, J8 equivalent of a delegate type in C#.

The default thingy is called a "default method", and there's no special term for interfaces having them. In effect, these make Java interfaces closer to traits (i.e. allow multiple inheritance of behavior).

Streams: Similar to IEnumerable and parts of LINQ (LINQ to Objects).

The big catch here is that they're still using interfaces with the same old Java generic model based on type-erasure. This, in turn, means that generic functions applied to a stream of primitives do a lot of boxing. To avoid that, they provide special-cased implementations for int, double etc, which have the same exact implementation for a specific primitive types. If you look closely at the samples in the article, you'll see that they call a function named mapToDouble. Note how C# doesn't need anything like that, since its generic Select<TSource, TResult> mapping method can handle primitives just as efficiently as any reference type.

Also have a look at javadocs for the standard functional interfaces in Java 8. Note how many they needed just to cover int, long and double (and this still doesn't cover combinations like int+double).

Comment Blade Runner is non-free (Score 0) 63

do you dream of Electric Sheep?

No, but Pokemon trainers dream of electric mice.

If you're not cop, you're little people!

And even if you are a cop, you can still be little people.

If seeing the non-free film Blade Runner is a requirement of keeping a geek card valid, what method do you recommend to see this film without breaking the law, both inside and outside the United States? Redbox carries only new releases.

Comment Re:Unsigned (Score 2) 434

That makes no sense. How exactly is unsigned arithmetic not cross platform? It's the most basic arithmetic that any CPU can support!

If you mean that wrap-around isn't cross-platform, then it isn't for signed arithmetic, either. In fact signed is less portable because there are more possible binary representations of it compared to unsigned.

Comment Re:Unsigned (Score 1) 434

In .Net without an unsafe directive, it does bounds checking on the result and raises an exception.

.NET by itself doesn't have any "unsafe directive". The IL has two opcodes for each arithmetic operator, one with overflow checking and one without - e.g. add.ovf and add. Their use is explicit in any particular instance.

Now C# has "checked" and "unchecked" blocks and expressions. The default is actually unchecked (so overflow wraps around), but if you wrap your expression with checked(), or it is (lexically) inside a checked{} block, then there is an exception on overflow. unchecked() works in reverse, disabling overflow checking if outer scope has it enabled. The default setting at global scope is unchecked, but that is a compiler switch that can be changed (which is probably a bad idea, as most C# programs are written assuming unchecked-by-default).

"unsafe" is something else entirely. It is, again, a C#-specific language feature that permits the use of raw pointers and some other language features that circumvent the runtime verification layer and GC.

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