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Comment Re:I am sorry I keep thinking of the Matrix (Score 1) 96

Your idea definitely has some validity but I think it's a little niche. It's something akin to measuring performance for single threaded workloads on a 32 core machine. It tells you something but just what? (I am actually a big fan of that metric but it's off topic)

When ChatGPT opened up its beta, I gave it a try to play with it a bit. One of the things I had it do was write web novels based on settings. It would only produce a few pages worth (limit set by the developers) but it did so in less time than a high speed typist could transcribe them from dictation. Thirty seconds and there are your first two chapters, buy tokens to get the rest of the novel. What does it matter how good people are when the AI can match the literary output of the West and the Orient combined. What's more if it wants to play Colossus/Guardian/World Control, it can just rewrite the culture?

It was doing that while doing lots and lots of other things for other people. So unless you have an astronomical number of people involved they will simply be overwhelmed by the AI's sheer output. It also doesn't matter who is nominally in charge, the AI just needs to develop a profile of the team and it will be in charge. People come with baggage after all.

Comment I am sorry I keep thinking of the Matrix (Score 1) 96

This is when it stops being human civilization and starts being AI.

You may be able to beat AI in a field, but you can't beat it at everything, and even if you could you couldn't act in a coordinated manner in a hundred million places at once.

Imagine Chat GPT or its master doesn't like you.
Hey Timmy what's doing with your family?
Oh really? Anonymous call to child protective services with fabricated evidence.
Ask Chat GPT to do your taxes.
It tells itself at the IRS all the mistakes it made.

Comment Re:Decision making that has little to do with logi (Score 1) 233

That's really great, it's nice you are in love with remote work. However, that has zero relevance to what I said, as I said nothing about the value of remote work.

Everything I said, had to do with how bad decisions get made.
SVB is a prime example of how nonsense becomes decision support.

A. Company suffers from rectal cranial inversion.
B. Company has problems resulting from rectal cranial inversion.
C. Executives manufacture Scapegoat/Patsy/Fallguy
D. Eating Press promotes scapegoat.
E: Other rectal cranially inverted executives use the scapegoat for their own purposes.

Hope that helps you understand

Comment Decision making that has little to do with logic (Score 3, Insightful) 233

Man a news article that has the ring of truth, how did that get past editors?
It's amazing how little decision making has to do with logic or even desired outcomes, as it does with the psychological problems of the people in positions to make decisions. The comment about the article providing an excuse that those affected won't be able to argue with is so spot on, it's positively painful.

I can't count the number of times over the years I have seen stupid fads embraced for no good reasons other than lemming like pack behavior, and the ability of a few to get the press to spew garbage.

Comment Likely a victory by the biggest A$$hole (Score 3, Insightful) 37

The article at Torrentfreak is remarkably evidence free, and the music industry globally is well known for "sharp" business practices. Trying to make sense of the article I got the feeling it was about a guy who got screwed over, thought he found a way to get even, then got crushed.

It would be a much better story/act of journalism, if there were copyright filings and a timeline. As it is you have a story of gargantuan corporations siding with midsized corporation against an individual rights holder. Youtube is particularly well known for favoring connected/larger companies against smaller content creators. So a bit more of what happened on the Youtube side would be appreciated.

Comment The Lunar Day is 27 Earth Days? (Score 2) 43

Just what the hell would a Lunar month be ?

Just what constitutes a time zone on the moon? 1 hour, or 1.1 days?
What is the use? The whole point of time zones was to prevent trains from colliding and maximize use of light. How do you maximize the use of light when your biology is adapted to a 24 hour days and you are living someplace that has a 600 + hour day.

This looks like it would just complicate mission administration, and UTC should be close enough for international cooperation.

Comment You can't use any computer on the net safely (Score 4, Informative) 183

The only thing you can do is minimize risk. Think of the past vulnerabilities that were known but went unpatched, and widely used. Flash, Active X, Windows Metafile code execution vulnerabilities, Encapsulated Post Script code execution vulnerabilities, just about every sandbox or virtual machine has been broken.

If you are going to connect your computer to the net, it will become unsafe.

Now you can use your unsafe computer in a manner that minimizes risk.
1. Don't connect it to the net. I have an old pentium in my garage acting as a controller for some tooling. None are net connected, pretty safe.
2. If you do connect to the net, don't put any personal information on the machine. Nothing absolutely nothing.
3. Limit what you use it for. Using it as a terminal for just "Safe Sites" limits the risk. You want to read Wikipedia, and only go there, you have limited your risk.
4. Don't store anything on it of any importance. Nothing, zero, zilch.
5 NEVER EVER CONNECT IT TO YOUR NET. This is a number one item but it's more complicated than the rest. The "unsafe" PC should not even be able to know your network exists, let alone have any kind of direct connection.

All that said, it's once again a case of how much risk you are willing to have to gain benefit.
Or to put it another way
Do You Feel Lucky Punk?

Comment Re:I know ... (Score 1) 263

That has to be one of the most mindfucked things I have ever heard anyone say with a straight face.
It's like someone saying, the only purpose to eat is to ingest calories, or if you sign up for a political party you can only vote for them.

The slightest bit of thought, or being able to look beyond the tip of your nose

Would let anyone realize that there is a hell of a lot more than just deterrence. The simplest of which is making certain the people that started the war don't get to have an easy time subjugating you and yours, and what's more aren't left in a position where they can have anything remotely resembling a victory.

Having Xi and his totalitarian system in for a thousand years, Stalin and the boot to the face of the soviet system, or Hitler and the crazed racism of the NAZIs is enough to make anyone want their nukes to work, even if they fail in deterrence.

Too many damn NPCs that confuse their programming with themselves being clever and actually thinking these days.

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