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Comment The Bible and the Koran (Score 1) 957

Consider if such a law was implemented...

  • The Koran considers the claims of Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, to be blasphemy!
  • http://www.letusreason.org/islam11.htm

    In Sura 10:68-70 They say: “God hath begotten a son!” -
    then shall We make them taste the severest penalty for their blasphemies.”

  • The Old Testament in the Bible (1 Kings or 2 Kings) records the prophet Elijah blaspheming Baal, the Caananite God.
  • According to the New Testament, the Jews considered Jesus' claim (that he was God's son) to be blasphemous and the prime reason for his crucifixion.

Comment Re:They've gamed the market so long... (Score 1) 257

You're the microsoft architect right?
Perhaps the money you are offering isnt enough?
As someone else here pointed out, if you offer more money (and make this known), the market will move to correct the lack of supply you see. Witness the steady increase in the ranks of web developers after the heady salary excesses of the nineties.

Comment Oh no (Score 1) 589

My plans for selling billions of small helium-filled personal orbs is at risk. :)

Like the 'Keno' from the late unlamented 'Stargate Universe', they would follow their owners around at shoulder height, interacting with sound, marquee messages on the orb's surface and changing orb color. The electronics, cameras and micro propellors etc. would be powered by a small induction-charged battery topped up by floating 'visits' to a fixed charging station.

Comment Re:Cue the tinfoil hats.. (Score 1) 356

I don't completely trust studies either. For me, the main thing that matter are what I *do* trust (e.g. axioms, conclusions derived from first principles) and what I can do with the options before me.

Its reasonable to deduce from first principles that organic food has similar inherent nutrition (Vitamins, minerals) compared to non-organic. This is because (assuming non-GMO crops), both types of food grew using similar genetic processes. However, organic food has less pesticide residue. As pesticides are mostly toxins that affect humans too, this has the effect of lowering the *overall* nutrition of non-organic food.

This study backs up this conclusion :...

The non-organic food most probably had better yields. But if I can obtain organic food at an affordable price, the per-hectare crop yield becomes immaterial -- for me, organic is better as its toxins are fewer.

Comment Re:Cue the tinfoil hats.. (Score 1) 356

It is only cheaper if you buy organic from a supermarket. The local organic farmers market and organic co-op are as cheap as commercial foods. And organic does fine commercially too.

If you think commercially grown monocultures are as nutritious as organic crops, you are sadly mistaken. And too believing of Slashdot stories

plus GM crap encourages more use of pesticide. See...

Comment Yes... (Score 1) 767

But the tools are lacking.

Right now, programming is language-based/text-based. So a programmer is required to mentally keep track of program state -- variables, iterations, conditions -- as he writes more code. This rules a lot of folks out right away (Personal.Brain.StackOverflowError)

Python with its indentation rules is a step forward in that regard -- many 'real' programmers find its whitespace rules chafing (as they have no need for it), but newbies get visual cues about the program state at the line they are currently on.

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