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Comment Re:lifetime of cameras (Score 1) 248

Have you looked at the procedure for making glass emulsion plates or tintypes? you won't be doing that, you have neither the materials nor knowledge. Again, I am amused how people think something is within their abilities because "people were doing it 100 years ago". They imagine they could make a steam locomotive from blocks of steel; they imagine they could make a half-megawatt polyphase alternator from iron and copper.

If you're the only one left, I totally agree. However, if people were able to do it 100 years ago, then as a group, we can figure it out again. I'm not saying that I can personally accomplish all of these things, but we are human after all, and our greatest strength is adapting.

Comment Indeed. (Score 1) 2

I saw the headline on Fark and was curious, but it seems like they just made a movie about rape, violence, gore, and rape. I have zero interest in seeing it.

I don't know if it was int he article you linked to, but apparently a group of contest winners whose prize was going to a movie premier at Cannes. Wanna guess which they saw?

Comment Firefly (Score 1) 1

I totally understand your feelings about Firefly, although for me it didn't make me feel empty so much as whole. It was after my separation, I had the weekend to myself, and was sick as a dog. A friend had loaned me his Firefly boxed set and watched almost all of them in a couple of days. Made me feel better, helped me forget my own misery, and took me wholly into another world. It is sad that its gone, and would that there would have been more, but it was simply awesome being able to disappear into that world for some of the crappiest of my days.

Comment Playoffs... (Score 1) 2

I agree with you but, at the same time, I think part of why Firefly was so good was because they honestly thought that every episode was going to be their last. They got along well, had great chemistry, and so poured everyhing into every episode. If they had known that they had a season or two garaunteed, I wonder if they would've put as much into every episode, or if they would have paced themselves more instead. So I think part of why it is so great is because it was so short lived, and if it had been longer, it wouldn't have been as good.

Comment Very True... (Score 1) 14

Not to mention that the entirety of Kuwait was under Bush I's watch. Its not like the Democrats had been trying to get the Iraqi's out of Kuwait for 8 years and campaigned on how the Republicans were soft on it. The Republicans have tied a good deal of their aspirations to being the party of defense, but it was Obama who pulled the trigger.

Comment Favorite Quote... (Score 1) 2

I still have a fantastic quote from Artifex saved: Wright, rightly righting waiting wights' weighty writing rights writ white, writes right. -- artifex2004

In all honesty I've been thinking of leaving, too. The group that made everything so great about the dot has dispersed, and the dot itself is doing all it can to kill the rest. I hit 8,000 comments recently, still only half of SamTheButcher, and he's been gone 5 years. If I do leave, at least I'll doa closing JE...

Comment Like the Mob and Cops... (Score 1) 1

XBox has strict cops, but they're honest. If you cheat or priate they boot you. Sony boots everyone, promises features and then takes them away. It's not the honest cop that the Mob goes after int he movies, it's the dirty cop who double-crossed them. They may not like XBox Live, but they hate Sony.

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