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Comment Re:But does a kid understand why he should read? (Score 2) 122

All these sites have moved to videos, only the old fashioned still read an article.

I never understood that one. Is it because videos are more popular with the current demographic?
I can read text in an article in 1/10th of the time it takes me to watch the video, and I can do so without disturbing my neighbors in a public place.

Comment Re:This may be breach ticket sale contract (Score 1) 40

ticket TOS that would cover this. Something as simple as, "We reserve the right to refuse admittance to any individual or group."

It's unfortunate that a TOS on a ticket can do that. Eventually, corporations will team up together and start sharing "banned because we don't like you" lists. Then, all enemy lawyers may be banned from every entertainment venue in the country (concerts, movie theaters, etc).
I was happy to hear that at least alcohol license may not allow arbitrary bans like this.

Comment Re:Eventuality of dealing with this... (Score 1) 115

Uber, Airbnb, and plenty of other companies have business models predicated on the law taking years to sort out whether what theyâ(TM)re doing is legal

Oh, not that. I think the biggest issue is the liability problem. Who is responsible when the attorney/doctor AI screws up? Developers? Manufacturer?
With Uber, they had to figure out insurance situation for drivers, even if legality of Uber itself may be unclear. But insuring AI will be trickier.

Comment AI-human-hybrid speech (Score 3, Interesting) 48

"Auchincloss said he had to refine the prompt several times to produce the text he ultimately read. His staff said they believe it's the first time an AI-written speech was read in Congress."

They do understand that refining the prompt and choosing the best one makes it more of a human-hybrid-generated than AI-written text, right?
I wonder if they made any small edits to that best output? I assume not, but not certain.

Comment Re:It's a trap (Score 1) 158

You will not include content in Your Licensed Works that is harmful, discriminatory, illegal, obscene, or harassing, or engage in conduct that is harmful, discriminatory, illegal, obscene, or harassing. We have the sole right to decide what conduct or content is hateful, and you covenant that you will not contest any such determination via any suit or other legal action.

Wow. So, basically, if there is some non-tasteful nudity in your content, that may be enough?

Comment Re:So Colbert ? (Score 1) 100

I couldn't watch rings of power long enough to see the forced politics as an issue.

I couldn't watch it at all -- but I did follow some YouTube reviewers.
You have no idea... For example, did you know that NÃmenorians apparently turned on elves because they feared elves coming to their shores and stealing their jobs? I truly thought this was a photoshopped meme and not a real screenshot:

Comment Re:Right to Work (Score 2) 167

never read the terms and conditions and don't know what they are permitting an app to do

We know what we are permitting the app to do. Unfortunately, despite being privacy-concerned, Android does NOT allow me to sandbox applications when they have ridiculous demands (like a calculator requiring access to address book or camera). The correct solution would have been to sandbox and provide such applications with a blank address book instead. But actual choices are all or nothing. So if I need the app for some reason, I have to give it these permissions.

Comment Re:here's an idea (Score 1) 50

Here's an idea: don't go to Qatar.

Have you read the article? I guess that's a rhetorical question...

Qatar's World Cup organizers are not alone in deploying biometric technology to monitor soccer fan activity. In recent years, soccer clubs and stadiums across Europe have been introducing these security and surveillance technologies.

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