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Air Canada Ordered To Provide Nut-Free Zone 643

JamJam writes "Air Canada has been told to create a special 'buffer zone' on flights for people who are allergic to nuts. The Canadian Transportation Agency has ruled that passengers who have nut allergies should be considered disabled and accommodated by the airline. Air Canada has a month to come up with an appropriate section of seats where passengers with nut allergies would be seated. The ruling involved a complaint from Sophia Huyer, who has a severe nut allergy and travels frequently. Ms. Huyer once spent 40 minutes in the washroom during a flight while snacks were being served."

Comment Re:great idea (Score 1) 271

Evolution is outdated, go with the times! We're now in Godmode.

Evolution requires the absence of a "God". Because said God could pick and choose who gets to survive arbitrarily and who does not. Before this gets modded offtopic for being an Evolution vs. creation debate, it's not. Hear me out.

The "God" in this case is us. Evolution would have killed people who have medical conditions that make them die before they can have offspring. It could be something as simple as diabetes. But we found ways to make those people survive. This could be seen as humane or as playing God. Your choice. In either way, from a purely evolutionary point of view, it is putting a burden on the rest of the "healthy" people to give the "sick" ones a chance to survive. But it's the civilized thing to do. We are no longer dependent on evolution.

When you apply the same logics to economy, the politician who installs laws that prop up failing businesses is "God". He creates artificial systems that keep a business which would fail under the "evolutionary" laws of free market alive. At the expense of all the "healthy" businesses, of course, since someone has to foot the bill.

It's like playing an economy simulation and trying hard to keep one of your failing businesses propped up for some reason. Because you like it, because it was your first, for whatever reason. But it is a constant drain of your money because all the other businesses you run have to fund it. You could use those funds to improve the businesses that do well, eventually netting you more money (and jobs, if that is part of the economy sim), but you don't. In general, it usually means that you will fail.

Let's see how our "Gods" fare in their sim. Problem is, there's no save game option.


Minnesota Introduces World's First Carbon Tariff 303

hollywoodb writes "The first carbon tax to reduce the greenhouse gases from imports comes not between two nations, but between two states. Minnesota has passed a measure to stop carbon at its border with North Dakota. To encourage the switch to clean, renewable energy, Minnesota plans to add a carbon fee of between $4 and $34 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions to the cost of coal-fired electricity, to begin in 2012 ... Minnesota has been generally pushing for cleaner power within its borders, but the utility companies that operate in MN have, over the past decades, sited a lot of coal power plants on the relatively cheap and open land of North Dakota, which is preparing a legal battle against Minnesota over the tariff."

Duke Nukem 3D Ported To Nokia N900 95

andylim writes "It looks as if Duke Nukem isn't completely 'nuked' after all. Someone has ported the 90s classic on to a Nokia N900. As you'll see in the video, you control Duke using the Qwerty keypad and shoot using the touchscreen. I'm wondering how long it will take for this to get on other mobile platforms." In other Duke news, reader Jupix points out that 3D Realms' CEO Scott Miller recently said, "There are numerous other Duke games in various stages of development, several due out this year. We are definitely looking to bring Duke into casual gaming spaces, plus there are other major Duke games in production."

The Best Robots of 2009 51

kkleiner writes "Singularity Hub has just unveiled its second annual roundup of the best robots of the year. In 2009 robots continued their advance towards world domination with several impressive breakouts in areas such as walking, automation, and agility, while still lacking in adaptability and reasoning ability. It will be several years until robots can gain the artificial intelligence that will truly make them remarkable, but in the meantime they are still pretty awesome."

Comment Re:PHP harder to test than C++ (Score 1) 752

If a type system creates more problems than it is worth, you can certainly use a crash and burn development methodology with a dynamically typed language. Mostly though, the trend in dynamic languages is to add type annotations, not take them away.

Sufficiently large systems (Google: "programming in the large") are rarely developed in unannotated dynamic languages because they are simply too fragile - too many errors cannot be caught before deployment. If it was a net loss, nobody would write programs in statically typed languages, ever.

Comment Re:Near-Death Experience of Saab (Score 1) 438

In Oz we have the same thing. Nissan patrol 88-95 was rebadged as a ford maverick, Holden commodore (GM owned) got rebadged to a toyota lexan or vise versa, Ford courier/ranger was the rebadged mazda (even the ford badges have mazda part numbers and logo's on the back), Holden barina was a rebadged suziki swift and then an opel. with australia most cars that are owned by GM would be rebadged as Holden and those owned by ford would be rebadged as a ford.

Comment Re:Not a solution. (Score 4, Interesting) 153

I agree that the DMCA is wrong, but if it won't go away, then abusing it (including using it negligently) needs to carry a lot more risk than it does now.

A good start for a copyright reform would be a rollback. Copyright of everything created to date is rolled back to expire when it would have expired under the law as it was at the time of creation. While I'm sure many would complain bitterly, they wouldn't actually have much to hang their complaints on legally or philosophically. They will have exactly the boon that was to encourage the creation of the work in the first place. Their only "loss" would be the ill gotten gains from bribed lawmakers.

The rest can come from there.

Comment Re:Mathematicians (Score 5, Interesting) 241

I'm a mathematician, and I'm afraid I really don't know what you're talking about.

Mathematics is often pictured as a very isolated practice -- a person sitting alone at a desk. But it's surprisingly social, and while there is a fair amount of desk time, there's a lot of interpersonal relationships (as you put it) in the actual doing of math. Asking questions, explaining your results, mentoring students, even teaching classes -- a lot of math involves other people.

Anyway, I know lots of mathematicians, and I think generally they're pretty happy people.

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