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Journal Journal: Comics I'm currently reading

As a tie in to the front page article, heres a list of my current comic subscriptions.


All the starwars comics.

Steve Rude's The Moth.

I usually only read Batman but they started a big xover so i'm collecting all the titles for the moment.


WALKING DEAD - quality b&w zombie fare.

She Hulk - the new series, she's working for a law firm that specializes in legal care for super heroes/ villans.

The Hulk - have every issue for the past 20 years. still trying to complete the collection.

THE PUNISHER - they started a new volume. Frank killed Micro.

United States

Journal Journal: My prediction. 1

Now that Reagan is dead, Communism will be in full force in Russia in 2 years.

So we need to freeze his body and then pump it full of stem cells to bring him back when we need him again.

Zombie Reagan.

Oh yeah.


Journal Journal: WTF??? 1

Whats with all the Microsoft advertising on /.



Journal Journal: Kitchen Knives 11

About a year ago somebody had a JE about quality kitchen knives. /. and google searches haven't revealed anything.
Anyone remember who's journal it's in.

We are getting ready to replace our main chainstore knives this spring.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bourbon for breakfast 4

Our Maker's who art in bottle, Hallowed be they distilling.
Thy Drinking be done, in flasks as it is in glasses.
Give today our daily shot
Forgive our mumbling, as wefa agoehaglg
Lead us not into undrunkedness, but deliver us from MADD
For thine is the corn the rye and the charcoal mellowing


User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm about done with /. 12

Been reading this rag for the past 7 years.
Used to be good reading, programming/sysadmin tips.
Not really into subscribing, just not enough offered. at least with totalfark i get more news stories to read.

Just not enough going on here anymore.

Used to have a cool low uid:
But lost it to an email foul up and Cowpoker Neal just said tuff create another account.

Trolled for a bit, enough to ruin this accounts chance of ever being able to moderate.

The JE's are ok but getting monotonous.

The big kicker is the effin Microsoft ads. I get enough MS at work. I know what Microsoft has to offer me and my customers. I could care less.
The last 4 things I've installed for customers have been GPL solutions and they couldn't be happier.

So i'm about to unfriend a bunch of folks so the notifications don't pile up. I still love you all but I barely read the JE's any more.

I still read /. but it's not a daily thing anymore. more like once every 3 days.

FK i'm still up for continuing the FFL. So don't count me out of that.

Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: 2 new rules in life 10

1. If you're a woman, I don't want to talk to you about your problems unless I'm your dad or I'm fucking you.
2. If you're a man, I don't want to hear your problems unless you are buying me a drink.

thank you.

First Person Shooters (Games)

Journal Journal: BDSS

Best Damn Sports Show.
Donnie Walhberg (sp?)
He's actually pretty good on it.


Journal Journal: Firefly DVD goodness 3

Oh Yeah.
Got it yesterday.
Includes 3 episodes that didn't air.

Please please buy it so they decide to resurrect this show.
Or at least do some made for tv movies for it.


Journal Journal: Suck on it Durst

When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool
If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat


Journal Journal: My rant (since it's the new popular thing) 6

Do your fucking job. It's the same job you've had for 3 years. You know what you have to do when you come to work. There's no fucking reason you should be surprised that you have a task to do that you don't particularly like. We have 3 main components to our job: Hardware assembly, server & application loading, troubleshooting.
It's that simple.
You get paid $75,000/year to do it. Thats right $75,000/year to do what's mostly 60% level one tech stuff.
It's not very difficult and you have a relaxed work environment.
Maybe IT is not your thing. That's no big sin. Get out! Let someone else in that enjoys it.
I've helped you troubleshoot the same types of problems for the past 3 years. It's about time to take some initiative and do it on your own.
Take a goddamned interest in your assumed profession and you might be able to solve some of these things on you own.
I'm not getting paid to constantly bail you out.
If you need to confer on a procedural issue fine. But don't try to get me to do your work.

I don't care that your mid 40's aren't going very well for you.
I don't care that your son is a pussy and your daughter is a slut.
I don't care that your marriage is falling apart because you husband hates you.
Big tits and a smile will only get you so far in life before you have to start putting out. Get on your knees a few times a week and I might be able to put up with your shit a little longer. But you better be damn good at it.

I don't have to listen to any woman's problems unless I'm fucking her.
If I'm not fucking you, don't rag on me.
If I'm not fucking you, I don't want to talk about anything of a personal nature.
If I'm not fucking you, I don't have to listen to you unless there's a business reason.
I get enough of that nonsense at home. But I get the fucking to ease the pain.

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