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Comment Pencil-whipping. That was *jail* in the military. (Score 4, Insightful) 118

Pencil-whipping, gun-decking, whatever colorful phrase you wish to use. This is jail, in the military.

This is inexcusable. Yeah I know I'm stating the obvious but pencil-whipping things like checklists can (and has) resulted in dead people.

Boeing truly needs an excorsim. Find the core rot, fire it, change the culture back to what it should've been all along, and then teach it as an example of how the US allowed its most prestigious names to be wrecked by MBA-driven greed and avarice.

There are other problems, sure -- but this one's the worst. The pursuit of Next Quarter's Numbers have completely wrecked ALL our big names. GM, Ford, Boeing, etc etc etc. Some to a much more extreme degree than others.

Comment Re:iPad still rockin' the 4:3 ratio like it's 1990 (Score 1) 71

Usually I don't feed AC trolls, but you earned this one.

16:9 sucks for book page.
16:9 sucks for music page
16:9 sucks for painting
16:9 sucks for sketching
16:9 sucks for photo edit,
16:9 sucks for everything artists. Even when you're editing a movie, a 4:3 offers you MORE real-estate so you can have the 16:9 preview screen inset in the UI of the rest of the editing app.

4:3 exists for a reason. The reason is there's more screen area. Widescreen is wide, but SHORT, too.

But I wouldn't expect a non-artistic muggle such as yourself to understand any of this, since your use case is only consume, consume, consume. If you would *create* for a change, I think you'd sing a different song.

Fuck this. If I want an aspect ratio for movies it isn't the milquetoast, middle-of-the-road "flat" (that's what 16:9's called). I want Cinemascope. 2.35:1

16:9 is a mere *compromise* between the old Academy ratio and CinemaScope.

Know the difference -- postage stamp = square(ish), business card = 16:9 / 1.77:1, US dollar bill = 2.35:1 - and *that* is the Aspect Ratio of the Gods.

Comment Re:iPad still rockin' the 4:3 ratio like it's 1990 (Score 1) 71

And Garage Band, and ForScore (what i use for a music reader)

I'm the sort that still hand-scribbles thing, so yes, my pencil 2 is constantly in use. I write *all* over my music. Fingerings, index marks, whiteout of irrelevant pedal marks. Imagine trying to do that with finger, or with mouse. While the pad is propped up on the music desk.

When I take notes at a meeting, I don't tappitytappitytappity on the keyboard, a symphony of clicks while the speaker presents.. I just use the pencil on the pad, and presto-bango, instantly searchable notes. Even finds my cursive.

My first ipad was "meh." It was an Air, 2014. Glorified book and comic reader. But my 2nd one.. the Pro "13" of 2021 with pencil? Game-changer. Actually useful tool.

Haven't used it for any serious photo or video work and I already see it's also great at that, too.

Comment Re:No 15 inch? No sale. (Score 1) 71

Or maybe we need to go back further. Shield size screen? Tower shield screens?

Comes a time when the correct tool is a projector. Sounds like this is one of those.

My HT is 98 inches on the diagonal, or 7 foot side to side. It's fired by a projector. Flat-panels of that size are still prohibitively expensive, and the last 56" I saw had banding so horrible I swore to stay with my projector.

Comment Re:No 15 inch? No sale. (Score 1) 71

13 inch vs 15 inch is no big deal. Make it 27" at least.

Let's be realistic. That would have to go on an easel, plus doesn't cisco already make bullshit like that? We hate 'em, and by using them it forced us into WebEx.

Anyway -- the use case for my theoretical 15 incher is for musicians with old eyes -- me, and both my teachers -- so we can see music presented in the larger format which real piano books use. Whatever "it" is, "it" has to fit on a normal music desk, from spindly fold-out old tippy Hamiltons to the one built into the instrument.

27 inch would be perfect for my piano teacher but i can't fathom any music desk in this world holding that.

And when we're talking about page sizes, yes, 13 vs 15 is a huge difference. An extra a pair of staves at least, minimizing page turns.. and on top of that, the slightly larger size makes reading easier.

For me 13 is adequate. But 15 would be as big as the real thing.

Comment Re:No need to upgrade (Score 1) 71

The 8 was badly concieved. Glass back and front, verrrrry thin slab (if that's really a slab, it' smore like a tub I suppose.

I had applecare on it and had to use it once. The 2nd time I broke it (in a case, natch..) it was the back that broke, and at that point I just got the 13pro and left the 8 to be the device left on the disc golf cart to film our drives, etc.

8 is the only iphone I've broken. The rest of them had their scars, but never broken glass. Happened twice with the 8.

The other iphone fail i had was the 5S -- on this one, the thing was just sitting on my desk, and it went *pfft* and tapped the desk. o.O "Phones don't go *pfft* and *rattle*." Well, this one did -- the battery had poofed, just in front of me. That one didn't even get applecared, it got replaced by the 8, it was already 4 or 5 years old and out of applecare and Not Worth Fixing.

But applecare is for more than just broken glass. Friend's 4S -- proximity sensor stopped working. It's the only non-broken-glass failure I've seen.

I retire mine at 3 to 5 years.. depends on the phone. I couldn't get out of the 8 fast enough, prob the low point in iphone design. No battery life and as fragile as an egg.

Comment Re:Face/finger vs pwd (Score 1) 71

On the phone, push power 5 times put it into emergency mode. No unlock without passcode.

Also works by nailing the power and volume buttons and keep 'em down for a few seconds.

And that's just the "tame' setting. The "wild" setting, if you do that -- trigger SOS mode -- it'll call 911 (or whatever emergency service your country uses)

Dunno if ipad has that. Haven't tried it.

Comment Re:No need to upgrade (Score 1) 71

. Ask me what happens when you drop it, and what a new display costs.

It costs what an applecare sub costs. You do have applecare on your itoys right? after destroying 2 iphone 8s I resolved to never go without. So, now my current phone (13pro) and ipad (2021 13 inch) both have applecare.

Oddly enough, I've fumbled a number of phones over the decades, but never a pad.. not yet. And still, I have the coverage for it.. because you never know.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 0) 202

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That well regulated part, now what does that mean? Obviously the national guard is well regulate

In the context of the Second Amendment, due to when it was written, "Well-Regulated" did NOT mean "buried under onerous restrictions, laws, regulations, etc."

"Well-Regulated" in those days meant "with good equipment, good training, and everything in in proper working order." Like a well-regulated clock, or a well-regulated piano.

It's mere wishful thinking the Left has of getting rid of 2A. This is what separates us, from the rest -- our founders came from a monarchy, and had seen what the tyranny of a king with a standing army can do.

No other country has this built-in backstop to tyranny. Think of it as error correction.

Comment What the iPad is, that phones aren't (Score 4, Interesting) 128

What the iPad is that phones a laptop aren't, is big and thin.

I use mine as a reader. It's my music book, that I prop up on the piano's music rack. It's my busco book, that I prop up on my tall music rack, the one I play violin from

It's my library, my comic book reader, and it's fantastic for handwriting notes. Those notes are searchable and even my chicken scratch cursive is searchable.

Freehand sketching and diagramming are also superb. It's also my notebook for meetings, etc.

For me, the iPad does things no laptop or phone can do.

I do wish they'd make it bigger. 11.9 is basically a sheet of printer paper. I need something a bit bigger, the size of piano book paper. 15 inch diagonal.

Comment Re:Fuck it. Buy American or fuck off. (Score 1) 98

It's done. The fix is in and you lost. Accept it. Adapt to it. That's the only rational plan left to you. The rest is some form of self delusion.

Cute. Let me guess, a variation on the old jewish "It is what it is?"

That is the thinking of someone who's been beaten so badly they can't stand up for themselves anymore. Figuratively, or literally. Or both. And yes, I used to be "there." In both senses. Beat physically, regularly, and figuratively, by those who were supposed to be "raising" me. "You'll never amount to anything.' "Lazy." "Slow." And I was "It is what it is" until it wasn't, and I took steps to remove myself from that house, and do something with my life.

That.. right there.. is breaking "it is what it is." And this country has to do it.

I may "adapt" and navigate around the current climate, but that doesn't mean I have to "accept" this is the long-term course for this country. And I do whatever I can do, in whatever small way I can, to move this country closer to what it could be, not what a band of fanatics currently in power say is has to be.

Comment Re:Fuck it. Buy American or fuck off. (Score 1) 98

When they aren't trying to take over HQ they're proudly indulging their bathroom confusion and creating other problems. So obviously Google wants a pipeline of workers from Asia that aren't all fucked up in the head.

Well... that's google's problem. They sound like the alcoholic that's shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!!!! to find their kidneys and other systems are failing and shutting down from 2 decades of alcoholism.

I have no sympathy for Google, and would exhort our "leaders" to tell them to pound sand. Problem is, our "leaders" stopped listening to their people sometime around just before the Civil War, it seems.

Comment Re:Fuck it. Buy American or fuck off. (Score -1, Troll) 98

Think about this from Google's perspective: when they hire US kids they get a bunch of hijab wearing LARPers that try to take over HQ. When they hire foreign they get compliant workers that show up to work.

And why do you think our youth is like this? Incessant leftist indoctrination from kindergarten to college for the past 30, 40 years.

Google themselves have helped create this monster.

And I bet you for every 10 "pRoTeStErS" you'll find 100 hard-working kids that show up on time, even in America.

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