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Comment Re:Fighting Fantasy (Score 1) 135

Isn't there such a thing as fair use.

No, not for trademarks. You are thinking of copyright, which has nothing to do with this dispute.

This is false. Descriptive and nominative fair use are well-established defenses to trademark infringement. A defendant may also assert parody and other 1st Amendment-based defenses. See, for example, Mattel's failed suit against the band who sang "Barbie Girl".

Comment Re:Extremely weak case. (Score 1) 135

Trademarks are for branding in written content, not spoken.

This is false. A trademark can be anything that is source-identifying for goods or services. It can be a color (see "UPS brown"), a scent (see the "flowery musk scent" of Verizon stores (ew)), or, yes, a sound (see the "Intel inside" chimes). Here's a whole page the USPTO dedicated to sound marks.

The phrase, "choose your own adventure" is not trademarked because that is impossible.

This is also false. It's not just possible to trademark phrases, Chooseco has held a registered US trademark for the CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE word mark in books since 2004.

Comment Re:China Mobile is an arm of the Chinese state (Score 1) 61

If state-owned companies are a thing of threats...

Bob Readerman of the New York Times raves: "James Patterson's A Thing of Threats is a riveting delve into the seedy underworld of state-owned companies. My buttcheeks literally did not unclench once as this gripping thriller wove its way through not one, not two, but—spoilers!—a whole thing of threats!! 5/5 - instant best seller and surprisingly effective glute workout."

Comment Re:Seemed more like an ad to me (Score 1) 320

The content of, and presentation style, reminded me more of an ad than some news article.

Yeah, and a pretty tone-deaf one at that. Guess what, Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey 2018? Not all of us have a barcalounger made from the dragonfire-melted swords of a thousand vanquished enemies to retire to, you insensitive clods!

Comment Re:Talk to Trump last (Score 4, Interesting) 166

That person should tell him that Comcast wants this, Comcast owns NBC, NBC is part of the evil mainstream media, the evil mainstream media writes fake news about him because they are communist satanist Soros-loving anthem-kneelers, so keeping net neutrality is a big "fuck you" to China, Satan, and George Soros, while being a big thumbs up to the flag. Done!

Get me 20 minutes and we can also tackle global warming by telling him the hotter weather will reduce his crowd sizes.

Comment Re:For God's sake.. (Score 1) 504

That's not what's going on.

Kim and his advisers came to the conclusion that Trump and his advisers were looking for an occasion for a limited war - some bombing campaign - somewhere in the world. Ideally, the campaign would take place before the mid term elections. The US military was tasked to look into either bombing some nuclear facilities in NK or bombing some nuclear facilities in Iran. Kim and his advisers came to this conclusion and quickly contacted SK to prevent this from happening, because they know very well that the NK could not possibly defend their territory at all and judge that Trump is crazy enough to not care about possible consequences for South Korea.

Every indication has been that, while outwardly belligerent and inwardly ruthless, the Kim regime is eminently logical with regard to its own survival and self-interest. The scenario you dreamed up is beyond absurd, and relies on a deeply flawed understanding of Kim as some sort of delusional paranoiac. Kim isn't Brando with a death cult holed up in the jungle. He knows that scenario wasn't going to happen, just as every other sane person on the planet knows it wasn't going to happen.

It would be hard for me to think less of Trump than I already do, and there's still nothing you could say to convince me that he'd start WWIII and get a couple hundred thousand (or more) South Koreans killed by launching some meaningless sortie to get a midterm election boost.

Comment Re:For God's sake.. (Score 1) 504

There's the people who think it's Trump's genius double secret negotiating prowess. There's the people who think Trump (and maybe moreso his people) royally fucked up an historic opportunity.

Am I the only one who has been convinced the whole time there's nothing to fuck up in the first place? There has never been a reason for them to denuclearize under terms we'd accept. We barely did anything to cause this massive shift in Kim's stance—it was inexplicable. This has all the hallmarks of a feint.

Most likely Kim was taking advantage of the test site already being fubar, extending (of his own accord) an olive branch he knew he'd later rescind because it's propaganda gold. "Hey, we really, sincerely tried! It was those asshole Americans!" He still has all the nuke he needs for decades' worth of leverage, without building or testing a single additional one.

No credit but no blame, Donnie.

Comment Re:Alternate headline: (Score 2) 76

^^ First thought. They make them sound like floating treasure chests. At least *try* to play it off in the press brief.

"Yup $100K: They cost $80K in labor to build, carry $10K in sensors, and deploy with $10K worth of sharks with laserbeams and that audio weapon that makes you shit yourself. Foff, pirates."

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