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Comment Re:why replace once you have the screwdriver? (Score 4, Insightful) 260

Right, because switching to pentalobe stopped how many people from taking apart an iPhone?

Let me answer for you:

0, zero, zilch, nada, not a fucking single person who WANTED to disassemble their iPhone was stopped by this change.

Contrary to whatever silly fantasy world you live in, 99.9999% of the population DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT DISASSEMBLING THEIR PHONE. They just use the damn thing.

If you think Apple chose pentalobe (which has been a standard screw type available my entire life) to stop people from opening up their case to replace the soldered in battery, you're just a moron.

ProTip: I have pentalobe drivers from my father that are older than I am. They are not uncommon in older high end cameras where you need tiny screws that don't strip when you breath on them hard.

Phillips is designed for low quality, high volume assembly line work. Read that over and over again until you understand why apple doesn't use them anymore, on anything.

Oh, and my local Ace Hardware carries a pentalobe driver set, seems like they would have picked an obscure head rather than something I can pickup tools for at the hardware store down the street ... don't you think?

Comment Re:36 million units sold in 2011 (Score 1) 528

Hrm, a few million in bonuses to a few people compared to paying salaries of 40k people ... yea, totally the same thing.

You do realize the rounding errors in salary payments cost more than those executive bonuses, right?

The end of the story was 'Unionized workers: go back to work or we're selling'. The union tried to bluff.

They got called on it and lost. No job is clearly better than a low paying job, isn't it?

And how well did the union help out those workers? Are they making money now? Did they get a raise when they went back to work at hostess? No, they didn't, in fact ... now they aren't unionized workers anymore and get paid less.

So I'm sorry, how exactly did the union do its job? Its job is to make the employees get better treatment at their jobs. Not having a job does not in any way count as better treatment. And if you're going to refuse to come to work, you're a moron to not recognize you may not have a job to go back to very long.

Comment Re:Fallout rations (Score 1) 528

No, they aren't. They don't look good either.

This myth has been busted so many times its not funny.

Your statements are flat out lies.

Even frozen, they decay, though at a slower rate. Funny thing about sugars and chemical reactions, freezers don't stop them! Which is why you actually make certain sweets (mmmm candied strawberries) by adding a bunch of sugar and freezing them.

There is no way you've had them for more than a year and they still look edible.

Comment Re:The geek food staple the Twinkie (Score 1) 528

No actual geeks are. We aren't, by definition, that stupid.

Twinkies are not a geek food. When CmdrTaco left, so did the only actual geek that worked at slashdot.

No one left at the organization is qualified to even know what geeks do, let alone act like they can tell others about it.

Fat fucks with no social skills who dwell in moms basement drooling over a computer are not geeks, they are just fat slobs in front of a computer.

slashdot's editors don't even actually know what geeks are. Very sad. At least they removed the News for Nerds tagline from the site.

Comment Re:Not really surprising (Score 2, Interesting) 528

A few million in management bonuses has exactly dick to do with the billions paid in wages each year. Get some perspective, the managements job is to do EXACTLY that. Its not a charity, its a business.

And lets remember that when hostess closed up shop, the union tried to get an injunction against the sale of assets to which the judge replied basically saying 'no, you got what you deserved'.

The union pushed too hard and lost, next time perhaps they won't be so quick to side with the greedy fucks in the union ... who also give themselves millions in bonuses when they do ... well pretty much ANYTHING.

Unions in America are a joke, they're just like lawyers. They don't actually accomplish anything, but do their best to drive up costs so they can take a bigger cut from the workers.

You need to stop thinking the union cares about the workers. Union management cares about the same thing company management does, they just bullshit you into believing otherwise,, and this is why they don't exist in any meaningful form in right to work states. When they can't use strong arm tactics to prevent people from working if they aren't part of the union, they cease to exist. Get the picture? They aren't your friends, stop being so naive.

Comment Re:The Not-So-Glorious Reality (Score 1) 528


Management said: If you strike, we'll close up shop as we can't stay in business.

The union went on strike anyway.

Management started selling the company.

The union TRIED to block it, but a court stepped in and said 'no, morons, you fucking ruined the company financially, they can not pay you now, you're strike got you exactly what they said it would get you'

You can cut this bullshit 'watch out for the little guy' crap, they hung themselves when they joined the shitty union.

Unions aren't for protecting workers, they are just another political machine used to rob you without making it obvious you're still someones tool, just a different someone. At least the company made it clear they aren't your friend, the union just says they are your support team while fucking you over and collecting more fees.

Comment Geek food staple? (Score 1) 528

Turn in your card. No geek eats that crap. They are the butt of jokes about surviving a nuclear winter and out lasting the cockroaches, not something we actually eat. These things are false of course, Twinkies dont' last all that long at all on the shelf. Its just fun to make fun of them since they are made out of some things one would not normally consider being edible in its natural form.

Comment Re:He is not a whistleblower (Score -1, Troll) 536

Followers and attention whores, nothing more.

Their opinion doesn't matter, they are no different than me. They aren't special because they did it. They don't have some sort of magical insight so they can see the ultimate truth behind everyones posturing.

If they come out and approve of everyone doing the same shit they did without question, all it shows is they are looking for excuses and safety in numbers, not that these people are acting in our best interests.

You are incredibly naive.

Comment Re:He is not a whistleblower (Score 1, Redundant) 536

Just because Congress authorized it doesn't make it legal.

Actually it does. Thats the way our government works. Congress, by definition, is the ONLY group who can make something legal.

And as you noticed, its legal UNTIL the supreme court says otherwise.

God, we're going to have to start spend more time on American Government in our schools, you guys have no fucking clue how your own government works.

Comment Re:How strange. (Score 0) 536

That would be suicide.

Right, because the USG assassinates obnoxious little pricks who leak secrets ... except Assange is still alive and Manning is still breathing despite the fact that many prisoners in his prison would love to rip his head off and shit down his throat.

If the NSA wanted him dead, he would be.

Comment Re:How strange. (Score 0) 536

Bastion of human rights? WTF?

He doesn't have any knowledge they don't already have. Hell, he doesn't have any knowledge I didn't already have. No one cares about him for anything other than political posturing. Once he's out of the news, his body will show up in a ditch.

Comment Re:Run coward run!!!!! (Score 0) 536

Its not okay for anyone to break the law willingly or knowingly.

Just because your neighbor beats his wife, does that make it okay for you to beat your wife? No, so stop trying to make it out like two rights make a wrong.

Yes, he should be treated like Manning, thats the punishment for doing what he did. If you don't like it, change the law, but you don't ignore the law just because YOU don't like it.

The reality of it is, lots of people see a small part of a big picture and think telling the world will make them a hero can make everyone happier, but thats just a fantasy.

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