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Comment Soured? (Score 1) 76

Some of the partnership's shortcomings have blemished both companies' world-class reputations

Call me skepitcal. While I'm sure they exist, I've yet to hear anyone be other than satisfied with their Apple Card. The biggest criticism I've seen is "some cards have better rates", but everyone praises the usability, app, etc.

Goldman, on the other hand? I've never heard anyone say other than derisive things about them, before and after the partnership. "World-class" is an interesting term to use.

Comment "Admits" (Score 5, Insightful) 72

Why do so many articles and headlines color their reporting with this loaded word?

Did Google ever deny this fact?
Did Google try to keep silent on it?
Is this some sort of reversal in Google's stance?

Just use "states". "Admits" implies some sort of wrongdoing or at least reluctance, and I doubt either is happening here. Countless reddit results went dark—of course this will annoy users! And it's not like Google has anything to hide here—reddit isn't their company, and Google isn't responsible for spez being a habitual liar to the point that users revolted.

Comment This is great (Score 3, Interesting) 73

I run a pair of popular (for their niche) TTRPG bots. The better of the two has some premium features, and I currently use Patreon to manage this. It's a bit more fiddly than I would like, but it works. Discord seems to offer much better integration (not surprising) and an overall more user-friendly system. I also have more faith in them than I do in Patreon's bot that manages channel access for me.

And I'm not alone. A ton of people use the Discord+Patreon combo. This looks like great competition. Discord isn't taking away any existing functionality, and the functionality they are adding just enables things users would have had to pay for anyway (pretty much by definition).

If this had been available when I started, I would have used it, no question. As it stands now, however, migration would be a pain. I'd probably have to maintain both systems until my Patreon subscribers gradually dwindled to nothing.

Comment Both good and bad (Score 0) 218

Legislation like this is always interesting, because it's not without its drawbacks. User-replaceable batteries are great—but if you need to replace your battery. I keep my phone for for years, and I've never felt a need to have it replaced—nor would I have replaced it if it were easy to do on my own. For someone like me, a replaceable battery adds bulk (to a phone that is already bigger than I would like) and potentially reduced durability.

Relative to the number of people it helps, how many people are "harmed"?

Comment TFS is misrepresenting ... (Score 1) 224

... and Steve is, of course, lying as usual.

The protest isn't that Reddit plans to charge for the APIs, but that the pricing is egregious to the point that these apps simply cannot continue doing business. The Apollo dev showed some napkin math. Shutting down will cost him upwards of $250k. Moving to subscriptions for all would cost him more. That's because of all the current subscription customers he already has, whom he would have to accommodate for a year until their subscriptions run out. Based on his usage statistics and Reddit's sudden pricing, his currently paying users would cost him $250k per month. This number would drop by roughly 10% each month, but that's a staggering amount for a one-man shop to absorb.

"But moving to sub-only would give him more paying users!" He'd have to more than double his current pricing just to break even. How many users are going to pay $50/year versus just using the free app, even though it's inferior? Is it enough to justify full-time development?

Obviously, in hindsight he didn't charge enough for his subscriptions, and armchair analysts can tut-tut and act smugly superior while saying you should never build a product on someone else's service. At the time, though, he did what seemed correct—not just to him, but to everyone.

Comment Re:$350 is way too much... (Score 2) 92

Your math is right, but it's still only a 256x256 display. To put it in comparison, the current Paperwhite has a 1236x1648 at 6.8"—roughly 3,000% more pixels. And eInk has a "refresh rate" in the single digits per second, not the 90+ you'd want from a VR setup, meaning you can't just get away with relying on the user turning their head to see more text.

I suspect something in this article is in error, but the official website is down as I type this. Either it's not eInk (and thus has a better refresh rate), or the resolution is greater than 256x256. Or maybe there's some magic I don't understand with the fact it's 256x256 per eye? I suppose we'll see once reviews start coming out. I'm definitely intrigued even if I think this will flop.

Comment I'd expect this to be LESS biased (Score 2) 115

Assuming the data set is "people" and not "convicts", I'd expect the output to be less biased than a human sketch artist.

If you tell the artist the person who mugged you was of race X, and the artist is unconsciously biased against race Y, they might unintentionally slip in physical characteristics associated with race Y. A model trained on a representative sampling of "people" presumably wouldn't make this mistake.

Beyond this, it's not immediately clear how much of a problem "sketch artist bias" is. How often are people wrongly arrested due to a sketch? How frequently are people convicted due to one?

From the headline, I expected the "experts" in question to be sketch artists who are afraid of losing a job. If I were more conspiracy minded, I'd think that such sketch artists are encouraging this silly outcry.

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