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Comment Re:Plainly Unconstitutional (Score 1) 209

We really need a new party - call it the party of the young.
Platform should be
1) a 65 year retirement age for all Political office
2)Social security to be defunded and the funds used to payoff college debt.
3) The kids can take care of their parents in old age if they dont have the burden of college loans.
4) After age 70 you will have to pass a mental competency test every 2 years to be allowed to vote.

If such a party comes to power all this stupidity will stop.

Comment Evolution at work (Score 1) 209

Eventually the dumb folks who believe everything will be bankrupt, homeless and starving and will die out. Smarter human race will emerge. For too long we have taken care of the stupid out of a sense of charity and it has created an idiocracy. Time for some winnowing. Yes there will be some collateral damage. Always is. To speed it up please legalize all drugs and ban narcan.

Comment Re:Now who saw that coming? (Score 1) 335

Why is China being a bottleneck a problem? The world has been using tech where US is a bottleneck for a long time and we have managed well enough and US is a lot more obnoxious and interfering in international affairs than China so if I have to be beholden to a foreign govt , China is much better than US. US sanctions country's at the drop of a hat; China doesnt.

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