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Comment Re: Beewesome! (Score 1) 77

Texas has failed to pass any regulating legislation for branding honey produced in Texas, and most honey sold in Texas as "local" is actually produced in Viet Nam and other countries; brought into Texas and blended with limited amounts of Texas honey. Local bee keepers must compete each year with the traveling almond pollinating bees from California, who come in and drop 500 hives on top of native bee keepers, whose hives then are struggling to find enough forage for survival. Don't assume that Texas is in the lead in any apiary related market.

Comment Yep (Score 1) 386

Linked in and Facebook apps are complete crap written by no talent hacks. When the Mobile version of the site is significantly faster and has a better UI than your app? you fire your entire app developer team and hire some that understand efficient and fast.

Comment Note: only for the non atypical republican. (Score 1) 151

Every person that has had this happen has been brown. It's just an excuse to be more racist at the airports.
Let's also ignore the fact that monday all of Orlando International skipped the security checks dod not have to take laptop out of the bag, dont remove shoes or coat, just walk through.

Airport security is theater and an attempt to be racist to those that are not white.

Comment Sadly.... (Score 1) 53

Most of the shit ONVIF cameras wont let you turn that crap off.
I dont care if the username password is "admin admin" My cameras are 100% hackerproof because they are on a private locked down network. The only gateway to the internet is the single recording PC, and even then you have to VPN in to that network to see them.

Basically if you are dumb you put your IOT stuff on the internet. The smart people treat all of it as dangerous and put it on a network that is segmented and protected because you can not know what these damn things do because every company has to hide their own secrets inside them.

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