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Comment Re:So what's your skill? (Score 5, Insightful) 93

I've played around with ePub text to speech using some different AI voice generators.

You are absolutely correct that it doesn't always get the inflection and the tone 100% correct, but some of the voices do a very good. Pacing, intontation, pitch--these are all in play, and the tech is getting better, rapidly.

Someone released a mod for World of Warcraft that voices all of the old unvoiced parts from the last 20 years. It's pretty darn good! They could use some more diversity in voices, but I'm very excited to see the continued innovation in text to speech over the next few years.

Comment Re:Who wants a thinner, lighter laptop? (Score 1) 219

Is that for the Dell? Wow, that steep for a lowend model, even by Apple standards.

Macbook is:

8gb model $999
16gb model $1199 (also includes 2 more GPU cores)
24gb model $1499

Macbook Pro 16"

18gb model $2499
36gb model $2899
48gb model $3799 (!) (4 more CPU cores, 22 more GPU cores)
64gb model $3999
128gb model $4799 (holy crap)

Comment Re:Nonsense anyway. (Score 1) 219

Apple has been infamous for charging very inflated rates for memory upgrades for memory years.

Back in the Steve Jobs day it was almost comical how every bump up in model came with just enough features to REALLY convince you to spend the extra $. The upgrades were usually pretty compelling.

Today most Apple models are differentiated only by ram and disk sizes, and then cpu/gpu cores, and cpu/gpu cores probably don't realistically matter to 90% of buyers. Obviously my made up statistic...

Comment Re:Bandwidth (Score 1) 219

The claim is there to justify selling you new hardware every so often, usually the shorter time between purchases the better. And nobody even cares about e-waste, which is huge problem as well.

I do agree that e-waste, in general, is a huge problem, but Apple is also one of the better players in terms of taking electronics back and recycling (or at least pretending to recycle!) them.

I purchase computers for a ~30-40 person company. Apples tend to last about twice as long as the PCs we buy (Dells mostly, some Surfaces). The modern Apples from the last ~10 years have been some of the longest lasting models I've seen. It's true across the industry, but we basically have no reason to upgrade anymore until the hardware dies. Our older Intel computers are going to be forcibly aged out in the next couple of years, unfortunately, but for our workloads, we should be good for some time.

Comment Re:Smaller size or more battery (Score 1) 219

This really bugs me. My old Macbook 2011 made it nearly a decade partly by me being able to flip on its back, and replace or update parts at will. It was long a machine in decline, as a mangled third party repair had left it so the back case never quite screwed on right again leaving it structurally a little unstable but in the time I had it I upgraded its HDD to a an SSD, upgraded the ram to either 16 or 32gb (Cant remember, might have just been 16), completely replace the wireless daughterboard with one off a *different model* of mac, replaced a screen after my cat knocked it off the table cracking the screen, and even replace the topcase and motherboard after drunkenly spilling a beer on it. The damn thing was a bonafide ship of theasus, I'm not sure there was a single original part in it by the end. Oh and at least one battery replacement.

Are you me? That sounds eerily similar to my, IIRC, 2008 MBP. I think I did every single one of those replacements except for the wifi daughterboard (certainly SSD, memory, battery, fan replacement, replaced optical drive with an extra SSD, etc). After one fall and crack that loosened a screen connector I had a mini industrial strength clip holding the bottom left corner of the screen together.

Having said that, my current MBP is a 2017 and I have not had a single thing go wrong with it. 7 years in and the battery is still over 80% of capacity. I don't like the Touchbar, but other than that, this thing is about perfect. I do miss tinkering, but I have raspberry pi, arduino, etc., for that now.

Comment ScummVM (Score 1) 34

Interesting. I thought I thought a change along these lines had already happened. ScummVM has been on the AppStore for a couple of months now. You can hook it up to cloud services (Dropbox etc) or copy files from iCloud/etc to ScummVM storage on the ipad. It works really well.

Comment Re:Unusable (Score 1) 32

I tried OCLP with the latest Sonoma, which worked okay for getting Xcode 15.3 on a 2014 mini. It performed somewhat acceptably after disabling just about every service imaginable

I'm running OCLP on a 2017 imac and it runs about 98% fine. The 2% is that occasionally, like once a month or so it will fail to wake up from sleep. I haven't had to disable anything. I guess ther eare some issues with the old GPUs in the 2014 model? What did you have to disable?

After I realized Apple started forcing the use of their hypervisor

Which hypervisor?

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