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Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Can some of us get together and rebuild this community? 21

wbr1 writes: It seems abundantly clear now that Dice and the SlashBeta designers do not care one whit about the community here. They do not care about rolling in crapware into sourceforge installers. In short, the only thing that talks to them is money and stupid ideas.

Granted, it takes cash to run sites like these, but they were fine before. The question is, do some of you here want to band together, get whatever is available of slashcode and rebuild this community somewhere else? We can try to make it as it once was, a haven of geeky knowledge and frosty piss, delivered free of charge in a clean community moderated format.

Submission + - Alternatives to Slashdot post beta? 8

An anonymous reader writes: Like many Slashdotters, I intend to stop visiting Slashdot after the beta changeover. After years of steady decline in the quality of discussions here, the beta will be the last straw. What sites alternative to Slashdot have others found? The best I have found has been arstechnica.com, but it has been a while since I've looked for tech discussion sites.

Submission + - Slashdot BETA Discussion (slashdot.org) 60

mugnyte writes: With Slashdot's recent restyled "BETA" slowly rolled to most users, there's been a lot of griping about the changes. This is nothing new, as past style changes have had similar effects. However, this pass there are significant usability changes: A narrower read pane, limited moderation filtering, and several color/size/font adjustments. BETA implies not yet complete, so taking that cue — please list your specific, detailed opinoins, one per comment, and let's use the best part of slashdot (the moderation system) to raise the attention to these. Change can be jarring, but let's focus on the true usability differences with the new style.

Submission + - Slashdot forces a beta site by default

kelk1 writes: As a poor submitter found out (https://developers.slashdot.org/story/14/02/05/2328224/html5-app-for-panasonic-tvs-rejected---jquery-is-a-hack), Slashdot (https://slashdot.org) suddenly forced a preview of its beta site without any warning on all its viewers.

Judging by the comments, the feedback was immediate and clearly negative.

I cannot speak for the forum moderation side, but my reaction to the front page was an knee jerk: "Oh no!, not another portal full of noise I cannot speed-read through." Text and hyperlinks are what we need, please, and as little graphics as possible. Think lynx, thank you.

Submission + - Dice, what are you getting by butchering Slashdot ? 2

Taco Cowboy writes: Before I register my account with /. I frequented it for almost 3 weeks. If I were to register the first time I visited /. my account number would be in the triple digits.

That said, I want to ask Dice why they are so eager to kill off Slashdot.

Is there a secret buyer somewhere waiting to grab this domain, Dice ? Just tell us. There are those amongst us who can afford to pay for the domain. What we want is to have a Slashdot that we know, that we can use, that we can continue to share information with all others.

Please stop all your destructive plans for Slashdot, Dice.

Submission + - AltSlashdot is coming (altslashdot.org) 2

Okian Warrior writes: I've just now registered "AltSlashdot.org".

I intend to run a site much like Slashdot used to be — better articles, less decoration and less "in your face" functionality. I'm revewing and getting comfortable with slashcode right now.

I'm looking for volunteers to help with setup and running the site. If the site becomes profitable, I intend to hire from the pool of volunteers. If you've ever wanted to participate in a site like Slashdot, here's your chance!

I'm particularly in need of people who can: .) Set up and manage a high-traffic site (servers, load-balancers, data sites, &c) .) Edit story submissions .) HTML, CSS, and script creation/bugfix/repair

Contact me if interested

John (at) AltSlashdot (dot) org

Submission + - Nerd website found to make viewer's eyes bleed

grommit writes: http://slashdot.org/ is a website that is testing out a new "Beta" web design specifically crafted to make the viewer's eyes bleed. Editor samzenpus is quoted as saying, "We were hoping for at least a 70% eye bleed rate (EBR) but when we found out that we're actually generating 95% EBR, we were ecstatic. We are proud to break new ground in unreadable web design!"

Submission + - What site would you recommend to replace Slashdot? 1

koreanbabykilla writes: Now that it looks like I'm no longer going to be able to use Slashdot due to beta.slashdot.org, I need somewhere to kill a few hours a day at work. Any suggestions?

Submission + - KDE 3.5 fork Trinity releases first major update, (trinitydesktop.org)

Z_God writes: Disappointed with KDE 4's performance and other shortcomings, Timothy Pearson continued KDE 3.5 development under the name Trinity. Today the first major update of the Trinity Desktop Environment is released providing an alternative upgrade path for KDE users that do not feel comfortable with KDE 4. The Trinity Desktop Environment should provide a fast and familiar experience for all users expecting a traditional desktop environment. Packages are available for Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora from the Trinity project site.

Submission + - Super Bowl XLV 2011 commercials (beercartel.com.au)

beercartel writes: Super Bowl 2011 sacked the defenders and put a blitz on the attackers — while I don't know my NFL terms I do know ads and that is one thing that the Super Bowl is packed full of commercials where hundreds of thousands of millions are paid to get 1 minute of glory! Enjoy these beer related commercials for Super Bowl XLV 2011 and one ad about Darth Vadar just because it's cool.

Submission + - Verizon iPhone could have supported GSM and CDMA (tekgoblin.com)

tekgoblin writes: iFixit has revealed in its recent teardown of the Verizon iPhone 4 that the phone could have supported both GSM and CDMA networks. They know this because the phone contains a Qualcomm MDM6600 chip which supports "HSPA+ data rates of up to 14.4 Mbps and CDMA2000® 1xEV-DO Rev. A/Rev. B." They also point out that the phone lacks a sim card slot which would be needed for it to support GSM networks. Who knows why Apple did not allow the phone to actually support both networks, maybe Verizon didn't want it or maybe AT&T. Maybe the next iPhone 5 will support both Networks and be sold directly from Apple on a website where you can choose which carrier that you want.

Another difference with the new iPhone 4 than the previous AT&T one is the changed antenna design. As you can see above on the left is the Verizon iPhone 4 with 4 segments in the antenna design while AT&T on the right has 3. The changed antenna design allows the phone to work on Verizon's 2 800 MHz and 1900 MHz CDMA/EVDO bands, while AT&T had to support 4 GSM bands and 4 UTMS bands for international usage.

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