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Comment Re:Gonna keep on getting worse. (Score 0) 187

That should be looked upon as entirely unacceptable.

Why? Interesting statement. You should back it up with a reasoned justification.

I mean that's before we call it out as bullshit. On the whole the USA has contributed more than any one country to Ukraine, but in reality the EU has contributed more overall. Not sure what "actual goods" you're talking about. Do you think the monetary contributions by the EU are just 100EUR bills that people are using to wallpaper their homes?

Comment Re:There is no such thing as lasting growth (Score 0) 187

Actually there is. In a societal and global sense you get lasting and sustained growth when population grows (which it does) or when efficiency improves or technological development progresses, which it also does.

Not having growth would point to a dramatic decline in our species.

Comment Re:student loans are big bucks for the banks! (Score 2) 187

More to the point, they're *guaranteed* bucks.

People don't understand the significance of risk to profitability. By underwriting 80 billion dollars of risk for banks, it's essentially guaranteeing them profits. When it's politically infeasible to spend money on something, the government guarantees loans. That's politically popular across the board because it's spending *later* money and it puts money in bankers' pockets.

Comment Re:Self-hosting never left, but... (Score 1) 129

I know, your web server will get blacklisted too.

No they won't. You're talking out of your arse. Email is a general concern for self-hosting applications. For many other cases there's no real large scale program to block something. Sure a few shitty US based ISPs still act like it's the late 90s and don't want you hosting a server, but in most of the world that is simply not an issue.

Web servers especially are blocked at worst on an end user basis. While I have no ability to host an email server, and my IP is actively on a blacklist for email all other things I've self hosted weren't even blocked by China, let alone anyone else. Mastodon instances are blocked by specific peers, not by a network on the whole.

As for AV software. Frankly if anyone runs software that stupid they deserve the error messages they get.

You could maybe run your own cloud stuff, but I'd advise against it unless you really know what you are doing and are willing to put the time into keeping it secure.

Doing so is actually quite trivial, as is keeping it up to date. You may think that nerds are a dying breed, but they really aren't. Firing up Ubuntu Linux (which automatically self applies security updates), following an idiots guide to Nginx, installing Seafile using the recommended guide on the website, and applying security updates when you get an email of an updated release is trivial, and boom you've self hosted secure cloud storage. For good measure fire up fail2ban to stop the brute forcing.

I'd suggest putting it all behind a VPN instead

So ... literally what this service is we're talking about? Glad you're finally on board.

Comment Re:Google "Cloud Repatriation" (Score 1) 129

but if you want out, it gets expensive

In the real world we call this "paying for infrastructure". The cost of leaving the cloud is not larger than the cost/benefit analysis of going into the cloud in the first place. I don't know why so many on Slashdot think the alternative to the cloud costs nothing.

Comment Re:One more person discovers the cloud is terrible (Score 0) 70

And then we'll be free again

Free from what? Free from easy collaboration? Free from public access to our services? Free from the ability from our phones to work as well as our laptops when accessing a service despite being connected to wildly different networks?

You're delusional. The cloud isn't going away, it provides too much utility.

Comment Re:More nuclear fission power plants? (Score 1) 37

Now that we've established global warming as a problem should we not consider taking on a different path to address it?

Indeed. Please propose a path that actually can make a meaningful impact within the next 2 decades. Nuclear isn't it. Sorry. This isn't a technical limitation. It's a resource one.

Comment Re:If you're trying to promote IPv6, that isn't ho (Score 1) 129

Everybody who should and could self-host is already doing it.

Speak for yourself. Many of us are stuck in all manner of problematic situations. Those with CG-NAT may or may not have routable IPv6 addresses. Some of us can't test IPv6 since we're provided IPv4 addresses without IPv6 connectivity. Some of us are self hosting right now and expect to lose the ability as we've been given notice that we're going to be migrated to CG-NAT.

No, many people who want to do self-hosting have problems which need to be worked around.

Comment Re:Unnecessary (Score 2) 129

That business smells like a scam.

A service providing Wireguard with unique external IPV6 is a scam? How so? Is the concept of the VPN itself a scam?

Also rent != self hosting. If I am talking about self hosting, I'm not remotely interested in what you want to "rent" me on your hosted systems.

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