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Comment Works offline just fine ... (Score 3, Interesting) 72

I have an Ecobee 3 Lite, connected to my Home Assistant system using HomeKit.
I never signed up for an account with Ecobee, and I even block the thermostat from accessing the internet, with the firewall rules in the router.

It works just fine, and can be controlled from Home Assistant over the web.

It lacks certain features that I would make it better, such as season settings, but it is minor inconvenience to do the settings a few times a year (e.g. Heat only, Auto; and different thresholds for heat/cool).

Lesson: don't use any device that requires cloud functionality to function ...

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score -1) 237

BS, bull shit, there is no such thing as a 'human right' to any good, service, attention of any kind, including education, medical care, housing, food.

A human right is a protection against government (people in power) destroying you, taking your property away, taking your freedom and life away from you, that's what rights are.

As to privileges, such as health care, old age insurance, education, whatever, all of those things have to be provided and you are the one responsible for it.

Comment Re:requirement (Score -1) 93

The word corruption, the only thing it means is - tax payers money is stolen by people with access to it. In the private sector this is known as theft. Corruption exists because governments exist and governments take our money and then it is used for personal gain of people with access to it.

All the things FTC gets its hands into are not corruption (they often become corruption once FTC gets involved).

Comment Re:It's called work (Score -1) 228

My company, my rules. For example almost all people working for me are Ukrainians, my policy is that Ukraine must win in this war against the murderous ruzzian aggression. Anyone not aligned with my values shouldn't be working here. I also completely support Israel, anyone not aligned with my values, shouldn't be working here.

Comment Re:Watch a lecture by Subir Sarkar ... (Score 1) 77

so where does that leave us? Does that basically nullify the red shift?
and if so what could we draw from that? Not necessarily that the universe is quite a steady state?

No, the universe is still expanding.
This has been established since Slipher/Hubble in the 1920s or so.

But, if Sarkar is right, then this expansion is NOT accelerating, which was what the 2011 Nobel Prize was awarded for.

And it may resolve the "crisis in cosmology" where the rate of expansion is different when measured using two different phenomena (Cosmic Microwave Background radiation vs. Supernova standard candles).

It also casts doubts on what some aspects of Dark Energy and such.

Comment Re:Watch a lecture by Subir Sarkar ... (Score 1) 77

That is it in a nutshell ...
And it makes a lot of sense, if the observations are correct.

If his research pans out, then one Nobel Prize was awarded for an erroneous interpretation.

Adam Reiss, Nobel Laureate for that prize criticizes Sarkar's work, but he has a vested interested in the status quo. Other experts should chime in, and more observations and analysis are needed.

Comment Watch a lecture by Subir Sarkar ... (Score 3, Interesting) 77

If the topic of this story is of interest to you, then watch Subir Sarkar's lecture on Beyond The Cosmological Standard Model.

Sarkar is a professor at Oxford who has done some interesting work providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is NOT accelerating.

Instead, he is saying that there is a dipole effect because earth, and the galaxy cluster that we are in, are all moving in space, and that gives the effect of accelerating expansion!

He provides compelling evidence (for a non-specialist at least) for what he says and also casts doubts on the evidence for acceleration by analyzing their data (supernovae as standard candles, and their red shift), since a dipole effect is observed on that.

If his hypothesis is confirmed by other research and observations, then the Nobel Prize for Saul Perlmutter and Adam Reiss maybe for nothing ...

An area to watch for sure ...

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