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Comment Re:Farmers are parasites (Score 1, Troll) 106

Mandatory reference, just to show the difference between what is, and how it is presented in the western media:

The leftists in the west are so focused on dismantling "existing systems of oppression" and they don't mind sacrificing people who don't make the news - the normal people in other country.

Comment Re:It feels like cut&paste (Score 1) 150

It may look like that atthe beginning but ask it to modify the code so that it streams a file instead of reading it in buffer and it will generate the same code with modification ad nauseam.

And if you repeat the process it will generate it in a different format (using instead of procedural). Just now wrote some code using it.

Comment Re: India is just "China with better PR" (Score 1) 24

If that were true ukraine would stop buying Chinese products and west and the world in general would have sent their manufacturing to India where IP laws are enforced and foreign tech countries are allowed to sell their products. That isn't happening of course, and that is because for all the rhetoric it is only money and blood that has any value in western culture. China enslaved its population so you guys looked the other way. India is a democracy, is poor and doesn't have "blue eyed white skinned" population so it will never be as good as China at serving you.

Comment Re: new jobs (Score 1) 32

This might come as a surprise to the resident dumbasses but engineers have already been relocated into other Microsoft divisions and offices were closed already. This is a cost cutting measure and only support staff would still be remaining github. Github hired people to migrate it's stack to Azure and nothing else is planned for it so it makes sense to cut cost.

For what it's worth, most firings have happened in USA and India center is still hiring.

Comment Re:Kinda creeped out by India lately. (Score 1) 84

First of all, internet is in no way comparable to food and water. Power, probably. If Thor attacked then sure, I am all for cutting the power to catch him. Secondly, I am not saying it is not an inconvenience, but it is also not an absolute no-no.

That's not what I'm saying at all. Private force tends toward dictatorship in the exact same way as public force.

That's not what I meant. I am saying that you have also surrendered any right you can from HOA to anti-homeless laws etc. It all depends on the goal if that justifies the end. Land of the free shouldn't even have private property by definition, right? But people came together, created a government that tramples rights by definition, and decided to jail those who don't want to live in that government. Land of the free where your citizenship application depends on your country of birth. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Comment Re:Dark matter? (Score 3, Informative) 82

Yes. It is wrong to say it doesn't interact with bryonic matter. It interacts only gravitationally. So the OP's question is basically, will a space craft be smashed only because of gravitaional energy? My guess is probably right and it is - no, things are "smashed" because molecules come close enough that they start repelling each other, converting the kinetic energy o the molecules into bond energy which above a threshold causes the bonds to break (at lower speeds, the bond energy is not enough, so it is dissipated back into kinetic energy and molecules will fly to lower energy state which will be farther apart where they are not repelling, physically observed as "bouncing"). So it is electromagnetic force that causes something to "get smashed" or bounce, and that is not how dark matter interacts.

So if it is possible to create a canon of dark matter, it will have an ingenious design to only work with gravitation and will only "bomb" gravitationally.

> Sorry, anonymous posting has been turned off. Please register and log in.
You know, I see still anonymous posts about hooked cross. What a shitty website.

> It's been 6 seconds since you hit 'reply'.
Yes, and I was not allowed to post it without logging in so it shouldn't count.

Comment Re:Kinda creeped out by India lately. (Score 1) 84

It is not a fear of what someone might say or does say. I say openly that I break the law all the time if police came after me they would find a lot against me.

The situation is that of organized violence. The situation is that of a terrorist leader avoiding arrest because of instance communication.

that would be illegal

Yes, and the 2nd amendment will protect your rights. I don't want to get into the national fantacies. I am talking about life and death and I would prefer to shut down internet to say lives.

Here is the source to confirm what I am saying:

The offender is arrested, internet is up except in places where there is high chance of rioting.

Comment Re:Kinda creeped out by India lately. (Score 1) 84

Man, if Facebook was Indian company internet would not have been shut down. USA doesn't shut down internet because FBI literally tells them what to do and they do it, then tell everyone how many times they did it once a year.

They attacked the government
This was very well funded literal terrorist from western countries. The guy literally challenged the government to try to arrest him, and he has not yet been arrested.

I mean this is India. There are hundreds of thousands of supporters for these terrorists in a country of more than a billion. There is real threat of open rioting at a drop of a hat.

Comment Re:Harmful Outputs? (Score 1) 25

Thanks. There is no shame in being wrong but being ignorant and being arrogant about it just makes you ignorant. I am not even American you empty headed buffoon. Who are you talking to?

"1s and 0s". You have obviously not read a single thing about how AI is implemented. And your refusal to even attempt to learn by asking questions instead of attacking the messenger tells me you are nobody. Go die in peace.

Comment Re:Something missing? (Score 1) 84

on the surface it looks a bit like retrumplicans in the usa.

If trump followers had assassinated Obama and terrorized for years by bombing innocents people, then of course.

I applaud that you put some effort to look at the surface but hopefully I was able to demonstrate how much propaganda your media feeds and how little actual information is allowed to trickle.

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