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Comment Re:ha! that got their attention (Score 2) 293

The interesting question is: "Since the FCC said it doesn't have the authority to regulate broadband (Pai's rejection of Title II) can it prevent other government entities from doing so?"

I would bet that they can't prevent states from making laws because they have essentially abandoned all authority over ISPs.

Comment Re:bug remaining? (Score 2) 105

I thought I had that bug, but It was fixed by switching wireless PCI cards. The ATH9K driver was the culprit on my system.

It was pretty weird because the symptoms were the same-- Only crash at idle or near idle. As long as the CPU was under heavy load, the system ran flawlessly. I tried everything I could find online to mitigate it including the "rcu_nocbs=0-15" parameter.

I finally noticed some ath9k messages in the logs near the time of the crash, so I bought an intel PCI wireless adapter and replaced my old one. Haven't had a crash since (that I recall). This system is up 24/7 except for kernel updates and is running Xubuntu 18.04 now. (It was on Xubuntu 16.04 at the time of the problems and my solution).

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