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Comment Re:All nice and well (Score 0) 62

AI has orders to destroy the enemy, fires said rocket, which misses and slams into said nice neighborhood. Boom, hundreds dead.
In Afghanistan no human fighter pilot ever cared about that, they killed thousands. Usually on wedding parties.
Because a wedding party obviously looks like a training camp for insurgence :P all the dancers in the colourful cloth, and the kids playing around and all the BBQ fires ...

Comment Re:Some agriculture (Score 0) 77

You do not really access roads.
In Germany usually service trucks just drive over the land.
And depending on time of the year, what looks sometimes on photo from a drone, like a road: is full with wheat.
When the land is freshly harvested or plowed for seeding, as long as it is not muddy, a normal truck can easy over the land.
Of course there are exceptions, e.g. when the windmills are in a forest, or hilly area.

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