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Comment Pollution (Score 1) 414

People also make meth in the privacy of their own homes... So do laws banning meth only exist to make people feel good?

Actually the answer is still yes, as it is with most casual drug use of ANY kind of drug. Some countries have legalized all drugs, understanding that then they can help the small number of people who get addicted instead of being able to use drugs responsibly.

However meth is a bit of a special case, because the making of it basically renders a home unlivable, and poisons the other people living there or even nearby. But you still shouldn't ban meth or meth ingredients, just require it be made in proper facilities.

Comment Re:Already There (Score 1) 414

You could, just as easily, pulled into the parking lot at the local police station.

Would that be after the teens had beat and robbed them? Why would they not do so long before they reached the police station?

Nothing like advising a losing course of action that will get someone hurt.

Comment Re:Already There (Score 1) 414

vs. someone else using the available gun in your home to cause harm to yourself and your family.

Very high because I know how to get to the guns (or even that hey are there), an intruder does not.

or some sneaky kids in your home causing an accident with a deadly weapon.

Same thing, not going to happen.

or some otherwise harmless burglar/intruder killing you out of fear of the gun in your hand.

Well then he was probably going to shoot me anyway if he was so freaked out, at least I had a chance of scaring him off before I was shot.

In your last scenario without a gun my wife was probably raped while I was forced to watch at gunpoint, whereas if I had a gun and *if* I was shot instead of the burglar (despite knowing my own home better than him) at least the guy probably would have run off after shooting me, and my wife is safe.

That's what I never did understand about gun control nuts, just why they were so adamant in the protection of rapists from harm.

Comment Re:Already There (Score -1, Flamebait) 414

Maybe you do.

Yes, I do. Along with you. The simple truth is any criminal can easily get a gun if he wants one.

If you live in so much fear

I live in zero fear. Do you "live in fear" because you buckle a seatbelt in a car? No, you do so just as a precaution. 99% of the time it does nothing. But that 1% it's a useful tool indeed.

To many people guns are things you see on television

Well the world is indeed a generally ignorant place with people being told to be afraid of something just because, as you demonstrate.

Comment Re:You have no idea... (Score 1) 425

Go ask the guy who runs Ford if there would still be a Ford if GM and Chrysler had gone under.

There would have been a much larger Ford, and probably a lot of new factories making cars in the U.S. for all of the other major manufacturers.

Or if the sudden collapse of the suppliers relied upon by all 3 would have put them out of business as well.

In a bankruptcy the bankrupt companies would be required to still make replacement parts, so no.

Comment Already There (Score 4, Insightful) 414

Some of us don't want to live in a Mad Max style dystopia where every criminal, racist, and nut case can get their hands on whatever gun they want.

You already live in that world. The only question left is if every sane and law abiding citizen should also be able to get a gun to protect themselves.

Comment Re:Tea Party welcomes LEGAL immigrants (Score 1) 220

You seem to think there's some bright line here, when there really isn't.

Really, there is.

It's insanely difficult to immigrate legally except as a wealthy student or with corporate sponsorship

Fix that instead of giving criminals automatic citizenship.

Yes, it really is that easy. If immigrants are desirable (and they are) then let in a lot more of them. But you have to be able to first control who comes in illegally and that we are ignoring.

Comment Did Not Survive (Score 1) 220

The financial services company I was at got bought out by a Dutch Company. Apparently they've survived a higher tax rate and still had money -- go figure.

And that's where you are wrong. The U.S. company had HIGHER tax rates than that dutch company! So in fact larger taxes killed the company YOU worked for.

And yet you are still for the very thing that has led to your own demise. Astounding how powerful self-deception is, that it works right until the very end.

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