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Comment Finishing school, what students want. Moodle modul (Score 2) 356

Since you are finishing school, you know something about what students want, and could easily get feedback about what teachers want. Many schools do online classes using the Moodle framework, a modular learning management system. The Moodle forums and bugzilla have ideas for new modules. Someone above mentioned a fast, lightweight quiz system. That's something that Moodle users need - there have been multiple requests for it recently. Specifically, people have need for a quiz system which loads separately from Moodle, but talks to the Moodle database or webservice. Currently the existing quiz system is integrated into Moodle, so opening a quiz page drags in a MILLION lines of Moodle code. That's not scalable. People want a lightweight quiz so that 20,000 students can take the quiz at the same time, then send the data to Moodle, either directly to the database or import it from a file.

Comment If you're getting paid you need a license (Score 1) 272

Separately from the permit for the alarm itself, you also need to be licensed if you're being paid to install a system. In Texas, it's a third degree FELONY, I think, to install systems for pay without a license. Other US states are mostly similar. * The same agency that regulates security professionals regulates PIs. Unlicensed PI work is a felony. Unlicensed security work may be a class A misdemeanor, in which caae max penalty would be 1 year jail.

Comment Watch again - Mythbusters yanked axles (Score 2) 272

Watch the Mythbusters episode again. What they considered "busted" was the part in the movie where the car rose up over the rear wheels and kept going. Instead, the rear axle broke loose of the suspension, but the wheel wells kept it from being left behind. AFTER trashing the suspension and the underside of trunk, the cable broke. Mythbusters said "this car will not be driving any further". The Mythbusters test can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRHMNc5WyB4&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Submission + - Certificate Authorities Unite in The Name of SSL Security (darkreading.com)

CowboyRobot writes: ""We felt SSL needed a leader," says Jeremy Rowley, associate general counsel for DigiCert, which, along with Comodo, Entrust, GlobalSign, Go Daddy, Symantec, and Trend Micro, today officially launched the new organization. "We felt a group of CAs, rather than one CA," was a better approach, he says. The first line of business for the new Certificate Authority Security Council (CASC) is to push the adoption of online certificate status protocol (OCSP) stapling for Web server administrators, software vendors, browser makers, and end users. OCSP stapling is a method of revoking invalid or expired digital certificates. It's an enhancement to the OCSP protocol that basically eliminates the need for Web users to check OCSP responses with the CA, and is more efficient because the Web server caches the response from the CA."

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Russian 'meteor' was actually a tiny asteroid, NASA says - Los Angeles Times (google.com) 1

The Guardian

Russian 'meteor' was actually a tiny asteroid, NASA says
Los Angeles Times
At a news conference Friday, NASA scientists said the object that exploded over Russia was a “tiny asteroid” that measured roughly 45 feet across, weighed 7,000 tons and traveled about 40,000 mph. The object vaporized roughly 15 miles above the surface ...
Live Blog: Meteor Falls in Russia; Asteroid 2012 DA14 PassesABC News (blog)
In a rarity, a meteor hit and an asteroid near-miss on same dayReuters
Odds of Death by Asteroid? Lower Than Plane Crash, Higher Than LightningWired
The Guardian-Register-CNET
all 720 news articles

Comment So Compuserve invented it, arpa dialed up (Score 1) 28

So what you're pointing out is that Compuserve et al provided email, live chat, et. years before darpa had the brilliant idea that one military base could dial another with a modem. Further, you say, Compuserve was competing with Tymenet, Prodigy, etc. to see who could provide the best services at the best price. Becuase most internet technology was all invented by private companies, the government should run more things. Did I get that right?

Hmm, you did mention walled gardens, a phrase normally applied to Apple. I suppose Compuserve vs. Prodigy vs. AOL vs. Delphi vs. Bix WAS a little bit like Apple vs. Android, except that there were a lot more than two players. I guess you're cheering government intervention versus competition, so you'd prefer that instead of Apple and Android competing, the government should just mandate that we all use WIndows?

Comment weather.com would launch a 20yr sat for 1/10th the (Score 0) 28

Billions of dollars and they last five years. Something tells me that if Washington got out of the satellite business entirely, weather.com and partners would launch a sat with a 20 year service life that cost less than $100 million.

Then, the Google Earth crew would look at the Google Fiber team and say "if they can offer 700 mbps for $70, what can we do with satellites?" Maybe they'd launch a rocket carrying 50 mini-sats that together provided ten times better coverage than the 1960s style Landsats that the government is still launching.

Sometimes government research into new technology is good. For only a few billion dollars, DARPA created what would later become the internet. Speeds up to 300 bps in the government version. Then companies took it to 700000000 bps, after building the web atop the old gopher-carrying net.

Satellites aren't a top secret research project anymore. That's no reason for all the waste and inefficiency of government these days. The news channels and other users will buy satellite feeds from someone - if the need is there, that's a market, and a market will always attract suppliers.

Comment If they were connected, that would be "online" (Score 1) 60

So you'd have a bunch over local wifi networks, interconnected to make one large network? Someone in one city could access something in another city by these "inter-network" links, right? That network of inter-network links could be called the "internetwork". Maybe shorten that to "internet". Seriously, you're proposing nothing more or less than rebuilding the internet over again. The only change you're really suggesting is to use wifi rather than fiber to connect between cities. There's actually a reason we use fiber, not wifi, to connect between cities, and between campae. Fiber is a lot better for that purpose than wifi is. Wifi is designed for, and good at, letting you walk around your house with a tablet. It's not designed for, and not good at, links more than 30-100 feet.

Comment Sounds like someone who knows. I can only imagine (Score 1) 125

Sounds like you know WTF you're talking about. Those of us with zero combat hours ought to listen to you.
I've only flown at 60 knots, 1/10th the speed of a combat aircraft, and noone was shooting at me. A sim couldn't prepare me for that, an ultralight. Flying almost straight down at the ground (it seems) from 2000 feet up and keeping your noise pointed at the ground until a few seconds before you hit, without freaking out requires more than pretending on a computer screen. That's in a $2,500 plane that goes 65 mph and the sim can't replicate it. I can't imagine what it's like to be a combat aviator, but I'm pretty damn sure playing an expensive video game isn't proper preparation!

Comment Lottery winners disprove that (Score 1) 474

The overwhelming majority of lottery winners are broke again within a few years. That proves throwing money doesn't solve the problem of "50 inch plasma in a trailer" culture.

The problem is that some subcultures, and also general American culture more than some others, value flash over investment, rims over tuition. Throwing money at many people just means they'll have bigger rims on their hoopty, more gold around their neck.

  If someone from Japan or India gets $10,000, they'll turn it into a college degree or a business. Give some. Americans $10,000 and they'll put a fown payment on a tricked out 2006 Cadillac at the note lot.

Comment Better to lose French news than pay everyone (Score 1) 61

On the other hand, Google could have reasonably decided that if they start paying every site they index, that would put then out of business. Better to give up French news than signal they are ready to pay people for the privilege of sending them traffic. So paying off the French newspapers could increase profit in they very short term, but make business impossible in the long term. That would be dumb to set such a precedent, of course.

Also, t's not just the direct effect on Google. As someone else pointed out, sites like Slashdot post even longer summaries. Under such precedent, Slashdot can't have any more summaries without paying the site they link to. That is / would be bad for the internet, and Google knows that what's bad for the internet is bad for Google.

Comment Samsung didn't follow the standard. Linux did. (Score 4, Interesting) 185

Linux followed the IEFI standard. Samsung did not. Unambiguous foul on samsung.

More specifically, Samsung tried to implement version 2 of the standard and advertised it as version 2, but accidentally left in code which required version 1 behavior. Additionally, if an OS implemented version 2, when Samsung's firmware got confused, it didn't throw the proper error message, but instead returned it's own address to be overwritten. So at least two failures on Samsung's part. Linux simply followed the standard as written.

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